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Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine
2015 Issue 1
High sodium causes hypertension: evidence from clinical trials and animal experiments
Vamsi Reddy;Arvind Sridhar;Roberto F.Machado;Jiwang Chen;Section of Pulmonary;Critical Care Medicine;Sleep and Allergy;Department of Medicine;University of Illinois at Chicago;
Journal of Integrative Medicine
Submission Guide
SimTCM: A human patient simulator with application to diagnostic accuracy studies of Chinese medicine
Arthur de Sá Ferreira;Antonio Guilherme Pacheco;Postgraduation Program in Rehabilitation Science;Augusto Motta University Center;Program of Scientific Computing;
The effects of Park sham needles: a pilot study
May To;Caroline Alexander;Department of Physiotherapy;Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust;Charing Cross Hospital;
Saponins isolated from roots of Chlorophytum borivilianum reduce acute and chronic inflammation and histone deacetylase
Anirudha A.Lande;Shirishkumar D.Ambavade;Uma S.Swami;Prafulla P.Adkar;Prashant D.Ambavade;Arun B.Waghamare;Department of Pharmacology;JSPM’s Jayawantrao Sawant College of Pharmacy and Research;University of Pune;Haffkine Biopharmaceutical Corporation Ltd.;
Evaluation of chemopreventive potentials of ethanolic extract of Ruta graveolens against A375 skin melanoma cells in vitro and induced skin cancer in mice in vivo
Samrat Ghosh;Sourav Sikdar;Avinaba Mukherjee;Anisur Rahman Khuda-Bukhsh;Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory;Department of Zoology;University of Kalyani;
Antibacterial efficacy of five medicinal plants against multidrug-resistant enteropathogenic bacteria infecting under-5 hospitalized children
Shakti Rath;Rabindra N.Padhy;Department of Botany and Biotechnology;B.J.B. Autonomous College;Central Research Laboratory;IMS & Sum Hospital Medical College;Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University;
Symptomatic Tarlov cyst and electroacupuncture: more studies required
Kwan Leung Chia;School of Medicine;Flinders University;
Comparative study on WHO Western Pacific Region and World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies international standard terminologies on traditional medicine: Diseases of Paediatrics(Part 1)
Zhao-guo Li;College of Foreign Languages;Shanghai Normal University;Secretariat of Translation Specialty Committee;World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies;