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Electric Machines & Control Application
2016 Issue 1
Research on Sensorless Control of PMSM Based on Sliding Mode Speed Controller
ZHU Xiaohong;,ZHANG Guangming;,MEI Lei;,HAN Shidong;,SUN Mingshan;
Sensorless Control of PMSM Based on Parameter Identification MRAS
HAN Shidong;,ZHANG Guangming;,MEI Lei;,ZHU Xiaohong;,LIU Xiaojun;,SUN Mingshan;
Research on Speed Regulation System of Brushless DC Motor Based on Neuron Variable Structural PID
zhou xiao hua ;, li zhen qiang ;, liu sheng yong ;
Control Strategy of LCL-Filtered Grid-Connected Inverter Based on Quasi-Proportional Resonant and Grid Voltage Feed-Forward
PAN Jiajin;,LIU Yancheng;,SUN Henan;,ZHANG Qinjin;,LIU Siyuan;
Research on Hardware-in-the-Loop Real-time Simulation Method of IGBT Thermal Model
GAO Jin;,HUO Fengwei;,YIN Guilai;,HUANG Surong;
Design and Simulation of Disc Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Distributed Systems?
LI Zheng;,SUN Tiantian;,GAO Peifeng;
Localization Research on LIM for the Airport Line of Beijing Subway
CUI Tingrui;,ZONG Liming;,LI Xi;,MENG Lei;
Rotor Design and Characteristics Analysis of Synchronous Reluctance Machine
ZHANG Zhigeng;,TANG Ningping;,XU Gonglong;
[qi kan jian jie ]
Multiple Control Strategy of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Based on LCL Filter
QI Fei;,LI Jianwen;,ZHANG Shuyi;,LI Yonggang;
Research on Close-Loop Field Weakening Control of PMSG Wind Power System
HUO Xianxu;,LI Guodong;,ZHU Xiaohui;,GE Shaoyun;
Study of Wind Turbine Simulator System Based on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
FENG Chengchao;,YAN Jianhu;,LIU Dan;,LI Qiang;
A PM-assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine Design for New Energy Electric Vehicle Application
ZHANG Jian;,WU Youhua;,YAO Binglei;,CHEN Weihua;,DOU Na;
Considering the magnetic properties and stress of electrical steel-electric car electromagnetic performance simulation calculation
HUANG Surong?;,XU Zhixiang;,ZHANG Qi;,CAO Haidong;,DONG Xiaofei;
Modern Torque and Speed Sensor in the Application of Motor Efficiency Test
TANG Haisong;,CHEN Yixin;,NI Lixin;