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Journal of Chinese Information Processing
2006 Issue 1
Optimization of F0 Contour of Chinese Prosodic Word
LIU Hao-jie;DU Li-min
Robust Speaker Recognition in Noisy Environment
BAI Jun-mei;ZHANG Shi-lei;ZHANG Shu-wu;XU Bo
An Offline Handwritten Character Segmentation Algorithm for Mail Address
HAN Zhi;LIU Chang-ping;YIN Xu-cheng
Text Inference Based on HowNet
SHI Jing;DAI Guo-zhong
The Study of Topic Detection Based on Algorithm of Division and Multi-level Clustering with Multi-strategy Optimization
LUO Wei-hua;YU Man-quan;XU Hong-bo;WANG Bin;CHENG Xue-qi
Semantic Orientation Computing Based on HowNet
ZHU Yan-lan;MIN Jin;ZHOU Ya-qian;HUANG Xuan-jing;WU Li-de
Study on Product Named Entity Recognition for Business Information Extraction
LIU Fei-fan;ZHAO Jun;LV Bi-bo;XU Bo;YU Hao;XIA Ying-ju
Resume Information Extraction Based on Cascaded Double- layer Classification
YU Kun;GUAN Gang;ZHOU Ming;WANG Xu-fa;CAI Qing-sheng
Active Learning in Chinese Word Segmentation Based on Multigram Language Model
FENG Chong;CHEN Zhao-xiong;HUANG He-yan;GUAN Zhen-zhen
The Evaluation of Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging
YANG Er-hong;FANG Ying;LIU Dong-ming;QIAO Yu