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Journal of Chinese Information Processing
2001 Issue 1
New Progress of the Grammatical Knowledge-base of Contemporary Chinese
YU Shi-wen;ZHU Xue-feng;WANG Hui
An Adaptive Post-processing Method using Proofreading Information for Chinese Character Recognition
LI Yuan-xiang;LIU Chang-Song;DING Xiao-qing
Mandarin Name Recognition Based on Variable Frame Rate HMM Training
LIU Gang;ZHANG Hong-gang;GUO Jun
Chinese Documents Categorization Based on N-gram Information
ZHOU Shui-geng;YU Hong-qi;HU Yun-fa;Guan Ji-hong
Leveled Unknown Chinese Words Resolution by Dynamic Programing
LV Ya-jan;ZHAO Tie-jun;YANG Mu-yun;YU Hao;LI Sheng
Using Genetic Algorithms for Optimizing Part-of-Speech Tagset
SUN Hong-lin;YU Shi-wen;LU Qin
Increasing Accuracy of Chinese Segmentation with Strategy of Multi-step Processing
ZHAO Tie-jun;LV Ya-juan;YU Hao;YANG Mu-yun;LIU Fang