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Plant Protection
2008 Issue 6
7.5% fu huan zuo ru you dui xiang jiao ye ban bing du li ce ding yu fang zhi shi yan
peng ai tian ; song xiao bing ; chen yu tuo ; liu jing mei ; wu yong mei ; chen xia ; yang shao yi
yan fen shi jian ce ji fang zhi ji shu
xie jia fei ; jin dang qin ; xu jin mei ; shao xiao ying
30% xin · du wei nang xuan fu ji dui hua sheng tian zuo zuo de fang zhi xiao guo
qu ming jing ; zhao zhi qiang ; wang lei ; ju zuo ; xu xue song ; deng xi jun ; qi jing xing
la jiao gen fu bing hua xue fang zhi tian jian shi yan
chen yan ; liu chang yuan ; wang xiao hong ; sun bai xin ; ji ming shan ; zhao kui hua ; miao ze yan ; liang chun hao
fan li zhi ban ming de wei hai te dian ji fang zhi cuo shi
liu ai qin ; sun shi wei ; sang li wei
cong ou zhou jin kou de mu bao zhuang zhong jie huo zuan zhu xing hai chong
chen yun fang ; gao yuan ; chen mei hua
Cytospora canker of main poplar varieties in Jilin and the management
Wang Zhiming;Liu Guorong;Chan Yuequ
Determination of 20 alfalfa cultivars for their resistance to Colletotrichum truncatum
Zheng Fangfang;He Wei;Yin Shuxia
Screening for maize germplasms resistant to the head smut caused by Sporisorium reilianum
Xie Zhijun;Guo Manku;Liu Yonggang;Guo Jianguo
A new method for highly effective isolation of Peronophythora litchii
Cen Zhenlu;Huang Siliang
A technique for chromosome preparation using wheat coleoptile cells
Yao Zhanjun;Wang Jiarui;Lin Ruiming;Feng Jing;Xu Shichuang
Risk management of application of soil fumigants in USA
Li Fugen;Song Junhua;Wang Yiyan
Occurrence characteristics and underlying mechanisms of the rice planthopper in Jiangxi
Li Xiaozhen;Shu Chang;Wang Jianguo;Xue Fangsen;Zhu Xingfen
Preliminary investigations on Cephus spp. and their natural enemy resources
Liu Aiping;Xu Linbo;Lu Hui
Novel host and biological characteristics of Galerucella grisescens
Ou Kefang;Dong Likun;Xia Wensheng;Liu Chao;Jiang Taiping
Investigations on Pieridae insects in Longnan forest regions of Gansu
Liu Yueying;Luo Jincang;Wei Yuhong;Zhang Sheng
Application of green fluorescent protein to the studies on filamentous fungi
Xu Ying;Liu Taiguo;He Yueqiu;Chen Wanquan
Detection of whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
Ye Qingjing;Yang Yuejian;Wang Rongqing;Li Zhimiao;Ruan Meiying;Zhou Guozhi;Yao Zhuping
Identification of the root-knot nematodes on pepper in Hainan
Xiao Tongbin;Wang Huifang;Rui Kai;Chen Miancai
A preliminary study on the effects of light with different wavelengths on flight activity of Helicoverpa armigera
Jiang Yueli;Cao Yazhong;Li Kebin;Yin Jiao;Wu Yuqing;Duan Yun
Risk analysis and control measures for Corythucha ciliate in Zhejiang
Zhu Yunfeng;Jiang Ping;Yang Xiaofeng;Mu Jianjun
Primary study on mathematic morphological characters of Cuscuta seeds
Xie Min;Shen Zuorui;Shi Zongwei;Guo Qiongxia;Gao Lingwang;Pan Pengliang
Pathogenic differentiation and AFLP analysis of the rice sheath blight strains from Heilongjiang
Fan Wenyan;Wen Jingzhi;Jin Lina;Ma Jian;Chen Jin
Establishment and applications of the evaluation standards of the resistance to the downy mildew of tumorous stem mustard
Wang Xuyi;Wang Bin;Fan Yonghong;Liu Yihua;Lin Heqing;Zhou Guangfan
Morphological observation of wheat rust urediniospores with hydrochloric acid solutions
Chen Wanquan;Liu Taiguo;Yu Xiumei
Studies on the methodology for resistance identification of rice cultivar to the rice stripe disease
Zhou Tong;Fan Yongjian;Cheng Zhaohang;Zhou Yijun
Temperature-sensitive reaction of the differential variety Virgilio of Chinese wheat to stripe rust
Chen Feng;Lin Ruiming;Gao Qiankun;He Yueqiu;Xu Shichang