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Recycling Research
2010 Issue 11
The key projects of livestock manure and straw utilization in Dalian in the Twelfth-five Years
ZHU Jincheng;ZHAO Yang;LIN Chengxian;JIAO Xuecheng
The dissolution effects of waste alkaline manganese batteries in organic waste materials
PENG Junjie;LIN Huidong;TANG Yan;WEN Zhongdong
The comprehensive utilization of steel slag from metallurgical industry
Gao Rui;Cheng fangqin
Recycling of the transmission components in discarded household cars
WANG Cunwei;GU Ruihua;LU Yongwei;SUN Xijian;XU Yimin;BIAN Fangliang
A survey on micro development environment for recycling industry in 2010
ZHANG Feifei;PENG Guangjing
Establish green mines by developing circular economy
YANG Haiyang;WANG Taihai
Discussion on management of kitchen waste
LI Guoyang
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