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Journal of Sun Yatsen University(Social Science Edition)
2003 Issue 6
The Survival Crisis of Japanese Enterprises and Its Reconstruction: On Reconstruction of National Electric
mao yun shi ; gao rui hong ; wang jian cheng
Connotation and Evaluation System for Firm Value in New Economy Era
yao yi long ; gao zuo yan
The Stage of Enterprises Cluster Growth
fu zheng ping
On Supply Chain Management about Chinese Enterprises
chen gong yu ; yang ming ming
Reflections on Separation with Reference to Hong Kong's Legal Practice
deng wei ping ; lin bo
Marx's Philosophy and "Transection" of the Traditional Ontology
kuang san ping
On Guo Mo-ruo and Oriental Literature
wu ding yu
Qian Mu-zhai in the Process of Literary Acceptance
chen wang nan