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Journal of Natural Resources
2015 Issue 12
Analysis of the Definition, Classification and Ecological Function of Wasteland
GONG Li-yan;CHENG Lei-lei;LU Qi;Institute of Desertification Studies;Chinese Academy of Forestry;
Natural Resources and Economic Growth:Based on the Threshold Effect of Financial Development
LIU Yao-bin;HUANG Meng-yuan;BAI Cai-quan;School of Economics and Management;Nanchang University;School of Sciences;Nanchang University;
Study on Marine Ecological Compensation and Macroeconomic Effect Based on CGE Model:A Case Study of Shandong Province
CHEN Dong-jing;Business College of Qingdao University;
Coal Resources Exploitations External Costs and Payable Taxes Comparative Analysis:A Case from Xinjiang
SHI Le-le;ZHAO Jun;School of Economics & Management;Xinjiang University;
Temporal and Spatial Variation of the Potential Agricultural Productivity of China under Global Climate Change
ZHONG Zhang-qi;WANG Zheng;XIA Hai-bin;SUN Yi;YUE Qun;Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science;East China Normal University;Ministry of Education;Institute of Policy and Management;CAS;
Variation of Coastline Resources Utilization in China from 1990 to 2013
LIU Bai-qiao;MENG Wei-qing;ZHAO Jian-hua;HU Bei-bei;LIU Li-dong;ZHANG Feng-shou;College of Urban and Environment Science;Tianjin Normal University;National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center;
Spatial Pattern and Club Convergence Analysis of Urban Expansion in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration
ZENG Xin-man;LIU Hui;LIU Wei-dong;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling;CAS;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Temporal and Spatial Variation of Land Ecosystem Health Based on the Pressure-State-Response Model:A Case Study of Pinggu District, Beijing
HE Xin;JIANG Guang-huiab;ZHANG Rui-juan;MA Wen-qiu;ZHOU Tao;College of Resources Science and Technology;Beijing Normal University;State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Process and Resource Ecology;Beijing Normal University;
Carbon Emission and Its Influence Mechanism of Rural Household Energy Use in the Coal Mining Area
WU Wen-heng;ZHU Hong-ying;ZHANG Xin;ZHANG Jing-sa;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences;Northwest University;Institute of Economics;Shaanxi Academy of Social Sciences;
Evaluation and Spatial Analysis of Tourism Resources Attraction in Beijing Based on the Internet Information
ZHU He;LIU Jia-ming;TAO Hui;ZHANG Juan;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling;CAS;Insitiute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Economics and Management;Hubei Minzu University;Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology;
Impact of Global Warming on Vegetation Activity in Ningxia Province from 1982 to 2013
DU Ling-tong;SONG Nai-ping;WANG Lei;HOU Jing;HU Yue;Breeding Base for State Key Laboratory of Land Degradation and Ecological Restoration in Northwest China;Key Laboratory for Restoration and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in Northwestern China of Ministry of Education;Ningxia University;
Variation Characteristics of Water Requirement of Cotton in China during 1961-2012
CHEN Chao;PANG Yan-mei;PAN Xue-biao;ZHANG Li-zhen;Institute of Plateau Meteorology;China Meteorological Administration / Heavy Rain and Drought-Flood Disasters in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province;College of Resources and Environment;China Agricultural University;
An Improved Calculation Method of Grey Water Footprint
WANG Dan-yang;LI Jing-bao;YE Ya-ya;TAN Fen-fang;College of Resources and Environmental Science;Hunan Normal University;Changsha Institute of Environmental Science;
Calibration of Parameters in Soil Moisture Equation with EnKF
LI Chao;HUI Jian-Zhong;TANG Qian-hong;YANG Fei-Yun;Public Meteorological Service Center;China Meteorological Administration;Training Center;China Meteorological Administration;