Patterns and Dynamics of China’s Human-nature Carbon Source-sink System
JIANG Jin-liang;XU Jian-gang;WU Wen-jia;ZHOU Liang;SUN Dong-qi;School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences;Nanjing University;School of Architecture and Urban Planning;Nanjing University;College of Urban Environmental Sciences;and Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes of the Ministry of Education;Peking University;
PEST-based Multi-objective Automatic Calibration of Hydrologic Parameters for HSPF Model
GAO Wei;ZHOU Feng;DONG Yan-jun;GUO Huai-cheng;PENG Jun-tai;XU Peng;ZHAO Lei;Laboratory of Water and Sediment Sciences;Ministry of Education;College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;Peking University;Laboratory for Earth Surface Process;Ministry of Education;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences;Peking University;Pearl River Hydraulic Research Institute;Department of Earth Sciences;Sun Yat-sen University;College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;Anhui Normal University;Yunnan Institue of Environmental Science;Yunnan Key Laboratory of Pollution Process and Management of Plateau Lake-Watershed;