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Journal of Natural Resources
2013 Issue 1
Spatial Differences of Variations in Autumn Fractional Vegetation Coverage in Eastern China during 1982-2006
ZHANG Xue-zhen;ZHENG Jing-yun;HE Fan-neng;DAI Jun-hu
The Indirect Value of Ecosystem Services in the Three-River Headwaters Region
LAI Min1;2;WU Shao-hong1;DAI Er-fu1;YIN Yun-he1;ZHAO Dong-sheng1
The Response Relationship between Underlying Surface Changing and Climate Change in the Taihu Basin
JI Di1;2;ZHANG Hui2;3;SHEN Wei-shou2;WANG Qiao3;4;LI Hai-dong2;LIN Nai-feng1;2
Decomposition of Energy Intensity Change in Industrial Sub-Sectors and Its Spatio-Temporal Variation in China
YANG Wei1;WANG Cheng-jin2;JIN Feng-jun2;LI Ling-ling3
The Inequality of China’s Coal Resources and Its Flow Paths
GAO Tian-ming1;2;SHEN Lei1;LIU Li-tao1;LIU Yue-xiang3;CAS;Beijing 100101;China; 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China;3.China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083;China)
Carrying Capacity of Livestock in Cropland of Two Typical Regions Dominated by Agriculture in China
WU Lan-fang1;OUYANG Zhu1;XIE Xiao-li2
Spatial and Temporal Changes of Hainan Coastline in the Past 30 Years Based on RS
YAO Xiao-jing1;2;GAO Yi3;4;DU Yun-yan1;JI Min2
The Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation Using A Two-layer Model Based on Quantitative Remote Sensing in Shahe River Basin
ZHAN Che-sheng1;YIN Jian2;WANG Hui-xiao2;CHEN Shao-hui1
A Review of Research on the Urban Green Space Cooling Effect
KONG Fan-huaa;YIN Hai-weib;LIU Jin-yonga;YAN Wei-jiaoa;SUN Chang-fenga
zi ran zi yuan xue bao lun wen 2011 nian bei yin tong ji
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