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Journal of Natural Resources
2011 Issue 7
Comparisons of Energy Consumption between Cold Regions in China and the Europe and America
chen li ; fang xiu zuo ; li shuai ; zhang shao feng
Spatial Distribution and Evolution of Aeolian Sandy Land in the Areas around Shigatse Peace Airport of Tibet, China since 1975
li hai dong ; fang ying ; shen wei shou ; sun ming ; zuo guang hui
Full Cost of Grain Production in Hilly Red Soil Region of Southern China: A Case of Qiyang County in Hunan Province
zhang ying long ; xie yong sheng ; jiang qing long ; wang hui ; li xiao
The Effect of Flooding on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Riparian Zone in the Three Gorges Reservoir
chang chao ; xie zong qiang ; xiong gao ming ; chu li min
Quantitative Study of Construction Land Increase Limit Year in the Economic Transition Stage in China
li xiao shun ; zhang shao liang ; wang ying hong
Land Ecological Sensitivity Evaluation of Yan' an Based on Zonal Statistics of ArcGIS
wu jin hua ; li ji wei ; zhu hong ru
Effect in Protecting Cultivated Land of New Construction Land Compensation Fee
ding ning ; jin xiao bin ; tang jian ; zhang zhi hong ; zhao zuo ; song jia zuo ; zhou yin kang
Analysis of Water Resource Utilization Change Based on Factor Decomposition Model
zhang qiang ; wang ben de ; cao ming liang
Comprehensive Evaluation Method on Meteorological Environment of Urban Ecologic Security--A Case Study of Beijing
ye cai hua ; zuo qing zu ; liu yong hong ; quan wei jun ; gao yan hu
Spatial-temporal Variation of Ecosystem Services in the 38°N Ecological Transect of Hebei Province
yuan zuo ; jin zhan zhong ; liu hong juan ; tan li mei ; liu hao jie ; liu hui tao ; zhang guang lu ; liu jin tong
Virtual Land Trades and External Dependences of China' s Soybean Resources
wang wei fang ; liu ai min ; qiang wen li
Simulated Hydrologic Responses to Climate Change of the Zhangweihe River Basin
zhang li ping ; zeng si dong ; xia jun ; wang ren chao