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Journal of Natural Resources
2003 Issue 6
Land use changes of Hexi Corridor between 1995 and 2000
meng ji jun ; li zheng guo ; wu xiu qin
A study on dynamic monitoring of cultivated land use in Kenli County
zhang yin hui ; luo yi ; zhao geng xing
Investigation, analysis and assessment on water-front resources of Yangtze River in Suzhou
ma rong hua ; yang gui shan ; zhu hong yun ; wan rong rong
Water balance and water security study in the Haihe basin
zhang shi feng ; jia shao feng
Study on the risk evaluation technologies of main agrometeorological disasters and their application
huo zhi guo ; li shi kui ; wang su yan ; liu jin zuo ; xue chang ying
Potentials and limitation of AVHRR for grassland classification in Xilingol, Inner Mongolia
wang zheng xing ; liu chuang ; zhao bing ru
Study on landscape visual management system of Qinghai-Tibet railway
zhang hui ; shen wei shou ; zou chang xin
Dynamics of waterfowl habitats in the Eastern Dongting Lake Nature Reserve between 1989 and 1998
zhao shu qing ; fang jing yun ; chen an ping ; lei gang
Analysis to flowing characteristics of forest resource and its products in China
su zuo ; cheng sheng kui
Development of Chinese renewable energy resources GIS
wang zuo ; li xiao bing ; zuo hai bo ; kong ping tao ; zhang dong hong ; li jun feng ; wang zhong ying ; shi li
Study of ploughed field information extraction in rice area of Thailand
zhang feng ; wu bing fang ; huang hui ping ; li miao miao