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Journal of Natural Resources
2003 Issue 3
Research on water quantity, water quality and its regularities of distribution in Northwest China
geng lei hua ; chen xiao yan ; jia jian ; zhong hua ping ; shen fu xin
Agriculture water allocation analysis of irrigation regions of the Yellow River Delta
pan zhi qiang ; liu gao huan ; wang zhi yong ; ye qing hua
Agricultural water use efficiency and its response to environments and managing activities
xu zhen zhu ; zhou guang sheng
Preliminary study of Hongjiaonao Lake′s variation and ecological water demand
tang ke wang ; wang hao ; liu chang
CLUE-S and its application for simulating temporal and spatial change of land use in Naiman Banner
zhang yong min ; zhao shi dong ;p.h.verburg
Differences of natural characteristics between two typical karst ecosystems in Lijiang River Basin
chen yu dao ; jiang ya ping ; zhu yin hong
The evaluation of degradation of farmland eco-system of Poyang Lake zone based on extension engineering method
ai liang hui ; wu ci fang ; chen mei qiu ; xu bao gen
Sustainable utilization of weed diversity resources in agroecosystem
chen xin ; tang jian jun ; zhao hui ming ; zhi shui sheng hao
A primary study on regional resources security strategy
cheng yu shen ; yan yi
Methodology and case study of ecological evaluation for land consolidation
wang jun ; luo ming ; long hua lou
Mapping critical areas of resources using RS & GIS-a case study on a micro-watershed in northern part of India
yang xue fei ; xu jian chu ;p.k.joshi;p.s.r0y;k.k.das