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Journal of Natural Resources
2001 Issue 5
Influence of forest cover change on hydrological process and watershed runoff
shi pei li ; li wen hua
Conservation of natural forest and flood control strategies in Northeast China
tan feng wu ; wu jia bing ; pei tie
The effects of forest rehabilitati on onmicroclimate in red eart hhilly area of China
liu yun fen ; li jia yong ; chen yong rui ; lin yao ming
Hydrological functions of forest vegetation in upper reaches of the Yangtze River
liu shi rong ; sun peng sen ; wang jin xi ; chen lin wu
Impacts of forest vegetation on watershed runoff in dryland areas
wang li xian ; zhang zhi qiang
Soil water resources and afforestation in Loess Plateau
yang wen zhi
Effects of forest on water circle on the Loess Plateau
li yu shan
Proper assessment for forest hydrological effect
zhou xiao feng ; zhao hui xun ; sun hui zhen
Statistical analysis about the changes of forest resource and precipitation in China over the past 50 years
ge quan sheng ; zhao ming cha ; zhang xue qin ; zheng jing yun ; sun hui nan ; zhang zuo yuan
sun hui nan
A summary and perspective of forest vegetation impacts on water yield
li wen hua ; he yong tao ; yang li zuo
qian yan