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Journal of Natural Resources
2001 Issue 1
hui gu guo qu tan suo wei lai
Supporting conditions and laws for sustainable water resources utilization
WANG Xian-jia;HU Zhen-peng
Impacts of forest vegetation on runoff generation mechanisms: a review
ZHANG Zhi-qiang;WANG Li-xian;YU Xin-xiao;E.Klaghofer
Effects of global climate change on forest ecosystems
LIU Guo-hua;FU Bo-jie
The EOF analysis on wheat dry-hot-wind in Henan Province
CHEN Huai-liang;ZOU Chun-hui;FU Xiang-jian;GUAN Wen-ya
Study on valuation of rangeland ecosystem services of China
XIE Gao-di;ZHANG Yi-li;LU Chun-xia;ZHENG Du;CHENG Sheng-kui
Studies on zoobenthos resources in the islands of the Changjiang estuary
YUAN Xing-zhong;LU Jian-Jian
The mangrove wetland resources and their conservation in China
ZHANG Qiao-min;SUI Shu-zhen
Problems and optimum control strategy of lake water resources in China
zhang zhen ke ; wang su min ; wu rui jin ; jiang jia hu
Impacts of climate change on water resource vulnerability in Laizhou Bay region
DENG Hui-ping;ZHAO Ming-hua
Discussion on system method of studying global environmental change
CHEN Shu-peng;YUE Tian-xiang