Facile synthesis of nanosized sodium magnesium hydride,NaMgH3
Hazel Reardon a;Natalia Mazur a;b;Duncan H.Gregory a a WestCHEM;School of Chemistry;Joseph Black Building;University of Glasgow;Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland;UK b Department of Materials Science and Engineering;Norwegian University of Science and Technology;N-7491 Trondheim;Norway
Guest editor Wuzong Zhou University of St Andrews;United Kingdom Professor
Nanostructured TiO2(B):the effect of size and shape on anode properties for Li-ion batteries
Zheng Liu a;Yuri G.Andreev a;A.Robert Armstrong a;Sergio Brutti b;Yu Ren c;Peter G.Bruce a a School of Chemistry and EaStChem;University of St Andrews;St Andrews;Fife KY16 9ST;UK b Dipartimento di Scienze;Unversità della Basilicata;V.le Ateneo Lucano 10;Potenza 85100;Italy c National Institute of Clean-and-low-carbon Energy;Future Science& Technology City;Changping;Beijing;102209;China
Amplified optical transduction of proteins derived from Mo6S9-xIx nanowires
Nijuan Sun a;Martin McMullan b;Pagona Papakonstantinou b;Dragan Mihailovic c;Meixian Li a;a College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering;Peking University;Beijing 100871;PR China b School of Engineering;University of Ulster;Newtownabbey;Co.Antrim BT37 0QB;Northern Ireland;UK c Jozef Stefan Institute;Jamova 39;SI-1000 Ljubljana;Slovenia