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Progress in Natural Science
2007 Issue 3
Instructions for Authors
Unified analysis of pressure melting of ice around horizontal columns
LIU Feng;CHEN Wenzhen;MENG Bin;GONG Miao
Analysis of melting driven by friction and temperature difference under sliding plate
CHEN Wenzhen;ZHAO Yuansong;SUN Fengrui;ZHU Bo;GONG Miao
Dynamic spreading behavior of homogeneous and heterogeneous networks
XIA Chengyi;LIU Zhongxin;CHEN Zengqiang;YUAN Zhuzhi
An extension of Bernstein-Bézier surface over the triangular domain
CAO Juan;WANG Guozhao
A regularization method in the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem
XIONG Xiaoyun;ZHAO Yanwen;NIE Zaiping
Effective use of the spectral information in speech processing of cochlear implant
GUAN Tian;GONG Qin;YE Datian
Characteristics of the Middle-Late Triassic sedimentary facies assemblages in the Songpan-Ruoergai area
YAN Zhen;YU Liangjun;LI Jiliang;BIAN Qiantao;WANG Zongqi;YANG Yongcheng
An experimental study on variation of thermal fields during the deformation of a compressive en echelon fault set
LIU Peixun;MA Jin;LIU Liqiang;MA Shengli;CHEN Guoqiang
Identification of novel SINEs from Cyprinidae and their evolutionary significance
HAN Yawei;HE Shunping;CHEN Yiyu
A survey on routing in wireless sensor networks
XIAO Renyi;WU Guozheng
Progress in phototaxis mechanism research and micromanipulation techniques of algae cells
WEN Chenglu;LI Heng;WANG Pengbo;LI Wei;ZHAO Jingquan
Research progress in the study of atmospheric pressure glow barrier discharge
LI Xuechen;DONG Lifang;JIA Pengying
Molecular mechanism of dehydrin in response to environmental stress in plant
Influence of rarefaction wave on premixed flame structure and propagation behavior
CHEN Xianfeng;SUN Jinhua;LU Shouxiang;CHU Guanquan;YAO Liyin;LIU Yi