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Progress in Natural Science
2003 Issue 3
Prospects for study of tectono-geochemistry
ZHU Wenbin;SUN Yan;GUO Jichun;LIU Deliang;Aiming LIN
Advances in studies on hepatic stem cells
HE Zuping;TANG Yuefeng;LIU Yabing;FENG Meifu
Busemann functions on (R)RI( m, n ) and (R)IV(n)
Li Qingzhong;Su Jianbing;JIANG Xiaofa
Preliminary study on interaction of water mist with diffusion flame of liquid fuels
Liu Jianghong;LIAO Guangxuan;Li Peide;YAO Bin
Composition operators between p-Bloch space and q-Bloch space in the unit ball
Zhou Zehua;ZENG Honggang
Motion estimation based on the energy flow
Zhang Zhongwei;Liu Guizhong;LI Hongliang;Li Yongli
Computation speedup in the dynamic simulation of MEMS by macromodels
LIN Wuzhong;LIANG Yanchun;LEE Kwok Hong;LIM Siak Piang;LEE Heow Pueh
A specific fluorescent chemosensor for copper(Ⅱ) cation recognition
Zhou Lili;ZHANG Xiaohong;Wu Shikang
Dithiothreitol decreases the thermal stability and unfolding cooperativity of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase
Li Guofu;MAO Haibin;LI Donghai;GONG Yandao;ZHANG Xiufang;ZHAO Nanming
Immunoinhibitory effect of soluble HLA-G1 on the cytotoxicity of NK92 cells
TIAN Xinghui;Li Zhiwei;LIU Yabing;WANG Yun;TANG Haiyang;FENG Meifu
Modulation on flow field by solid particles in gas-solid two-phase turbulent free shear flows
LUO Kun;FAN Jianren;JIN Hanhui;CEN Kefa