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Journal of Dialectics of Nature
2016 Issue 1
Tu Youyou and the Discovery of High Antimalarial Potency of Sweet Wormwood
ZHOU Cheng;Center for Social Studies of Science;Peking University;
The Case that Tu Youyou Won the Nobel Prize in the Horizon of Sociology of Science
LI Bocong;College of Humanities & Social Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The Inspiration of Tu Youyou’s Award of Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine: Particularity and Universality
DUAN Zhiguang;ZHANG Yanjie;Research Center of Medical Humanity;Shanxi Medical University;
The Enlightenment of Tu Youyou’s Winning Nobel Prize: The Inheriting Innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ZHU Jianping;LIN Mingxin;The China Institute for History of Medicine and Medical Literature;China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences;
Causes, Hypothesis Selection, and Inference to the Best Explanation
Clark Glymour;Joseph Ramsey;Choh Man Teng;Department of Philosophy;Carnegie Mellon University;Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition;
The Relative Signifi cance of Rigorousness in Mathematical Proof and its Comprehensive Criterions
TIAN Feng;HUANG Qinan;School of Mathematics;Shaanxi Normal University;
Exemplifi cation and Make-believe in Science
LI Yuanming;School of Philosophy;Renmin University of China;
The Constructive Logic and Arguments of Dessauer’s Thought of Technology
ZENG Danfeng;School of Marxism;South China University of Technology;
Fashioning the Victorian Man of Science: Tyndall’s Shifting Strategies
Bernard Lightman;Department of Humanities;York University;
Einstein and Zionism
DU Yanyong;School of History and Culture of Science;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Imperial Power and Musical Temperament: The Criticism on Zhu Zaiyu Equal Temperament of the Qianlong Dynasty
WENG Panfeng;ZHANG Yangyang;Department for the History of Science and Scientific Archaeology;University of Science and Technology of China;Zhejiang Hengdian Movie &Video Vocational College;
The Limits to the Development of Chinese Ancient Astronomy: Comparative Perspective between China and Japan
YANG Kai;School of History and Cultural of Science;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
The Ethical Consideration of Cognitive Enhancement by Nanotechnology
FENG Ye;School of Political Science and Public Administration;Henan Normal University;
Micro-charity and Online Moral Self
HUANG Hua;Faculty of Education;Zhaoqing University;
The Heterogeneity and Congruence in Knowledge Production Mode between Universities and Industry: From the Perspective of Institutional Logics
WANG Kai;ZOU Xiaodong;The Research Center for Science;Technology and Education Policy;Zhejiang University;
Analysis on the Construction of University Patent Technology Transfer Organization: Based on Triple Helix Model
LI Xiaoli;Management School;Wuhan Textile University;
The Life and Time of Analytic Philosophy
Joseph Agassi;Department of Philosophy;Tel Aviv University;
On Wang Xinggong’s “Science Studies”
LI Xingmin;The Association for the Journal of Dialectics of Nature;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Inherent Contradictions of Scientifi c Concept of Liu Cixin:Taking The Three Body as an Example
CHEN Jielin;ZHAN Yan;College of Liberal Arts;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Onsager: How to Become a Master of Interdisciplinary Innovation
LIU Yanqiong;School of Humanities and Social Sciences;National University of Defense and Technology;