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Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)
1994 Issue 2
bi pb sr ca cu o f chao dao ti de jie gou
Wang Weiguo;Song Lianpeng(Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)Gao Xiaohui(Department of Chemistry,Central South University of Technology)
shao yan you zhi yang ji hu de yan jiu
Cao Guifang;Yang Tianzu(Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy,Central South University of Techology,Changsha,410083,China)ABSTRCAT A less smog and high quality paste for Soderberg anode was studied.The measures weremodifying properties of the middle
guang dan xing que ding fu he xing ying li qiang du yin zi k_ he k_ de wu cha fen xi
Wu Hongze(Department of Resources Exploitation Engineering, Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
mou duo jin shu kuang zhong zuo de kong qi - yi que yan yuan zi xi shou fen guang guang du fa ce ding
Zhang Qingxiang;Huang Xiaoli;Fan Shuqin(Department of Mineral Engineering,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
qian kui gai nian yan jiu
Xu Nianci;Yan Aimin(Department of Business Administration,Central SouthUniversity of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
guang xi gui gang hong tu feng hua ke de di qiu hua xue te zheng
Zhon Fang;Chen Shiyi(Department of Geology,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
shui rong xing kang mo ji de he cheng ji kang mo xing neng
Yi Lun;Cheng Bencheng;Zhou Chunshan(Department of Chemistry, Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
wu fen huan yuan lu ji suan ji zi xiao zheng diao jie xi tong
Zhang Taishan;Ye Junying(Department of Automatic Control Engineering,Central South University of Technology Changsha,410083,China)
zhong ci yi chang de qi xing fen xi yu shen du fan yan
Tang Jingtian;Song Sougen;He Jishan (Department of Geology,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
san jie wei fen fang cheng liang dian bian zhi wen ti jie de cun zai xing he wei yi xing
Li Longtu(Department of Applied Mathematics,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
liu hua kuang shi zi ran de hua xue re li xue ji li yan jiu
Wu Chao;Meng Tingrang;Wang Pinglong;Liu Yong(Department of Resources Exploitation Engineering,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083;China)
tan fen fa zhi qu gao chun qing yang hua lv wei fen
ShangGuan Zheng;Wang Xiaofong(Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy, Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
cu zn al he jin zhong de shi xiao tai jie
Zeng Yitxiao;Tan Shusong(Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Central South University of Technology, Changsha,410083,China)
san shan dao jin kuang dao shui gou zao mo shi yan jiu
Ye Beilong(Department of Architectual Engineering,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China) Peng Ensheng(Department of Geology)
cu-ni-al-ti he jin de shi xiao te xing
Deng Zhiqian(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Techanology,Changsha,410083,China)
liang zu bu xing ji qi ren ji suan ji kong zhi xi tong she ji fang fa de yan jiu
Tan Guanzheng;Tan Lizhou (Department of Automatic Control Engineering,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)Zhu Jianying(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
lv hua mei dian jie yin ji guo cheng ji li ji ye mei xi chu zhuang tai de yan jiu
Zhang Yongjian;Luo Liangming(Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy;Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
lv ji duo yuan xi zhun jing he jin xing cheng gui lv de yan jiu
Chen Zhenhua;Jiang Xiangyang;Zhou Duosan;Huang Peiyun(Powder Metallury Research Institute,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083, China)
wu zuo xuan kuang chan pin fang an you hua yan jiu
Han Xuli;Li Songren(Department of Mineral Engineering,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
jiang ti shui ping guan dao shu song zu li sun shi ji suan tan tao
Chen Guangwen;Gu Desheng(Department of Resources ExpIoitation Engineering, Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)Gao Qiang(Changsha Institute of Mining Research)
zuo yan jie jing chen dian fa chun hua 2- yi ji ji ji zuo suan dan 2- yi ji ji ji zuo
Hutang Kelong;Li Zhiguan;Chen Lili(Department of Chemistry,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
lian xu nian jin bao xian de mo xing fen xi
Liu Yihong(Department of Applied Mathematics,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)BSTRACT Contiriuous annuity insurance plays a major role in life insurance theories and opera-tions.On the basis of the life table function an
bao bi xiao lv guan pan la guo cheng you dong xin tou wen ding xing de shi yan yan jiu
Peng Dashu; Wa ng Hongbing(Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)ABSTRCAT In this paper,the main factors influencing drawing stability in aluminium tube drawingprocesses with f
yi zhong xin xing fang ka fang fa de yan jiu
Zhu Jianxin;Wang qin;Yang Xiangbi;He Qinghua(Department of Mechanic Engineering,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)
hua xue fu shi biao mian duo kong guan de chi fei teng chuan re yan jiu
Chen Zhenxing;Cai Qifeng(Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy,Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083, China)
-sialon/sic fu he cai liao zai bing jing shi rong ye zhong de fu shi xing wei
Cao Shunhua;Weng Dongqiang;Huang Hepong;Zhao Muyue(Powder Metallurgy Research Institute, Central South University of Technology,Changsha,410083,China)Xia Riao(Research Institule,Lengshuitang Refractory Factory,MMI)
zuo suan ti de he cheng
Gu Yingying;Shu Wanyin(Department of Chemistry,Central South University of Technology, Changsha,410083, China)