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Highway Engineering
2010 Issue 2
Analysis of Re-consolidation of Soil Around Pile
cheng yuan fan
Research on Improving Algorithm Optimization of Transport Network Capacity Model Based on Bi-level Programming
deng zi yin ; li rui min ; zhang jian ping ; wei xin xin ; guo min
The Application on Light-weight Aggregate Concrete Applied to the Strengthening of Long-span PC Bridge
yang zuo ; li wei min ; huang jian yue ; shi xue fei
Study on Improvement of High liquid limit Soil
zhao chao yang
The Contact Effect Research on Soil-structure Interaction Under Seismic Response
zeng zhi qiang ; guo zhi yu
Reclaim Method and Instance of Stone Arch Bridge During old Highway Reconstruction
tu jun lian ; he ying yong
The Applied Research on Mathematical Statistics in Determining the Standard Value of Geotechnical Pparameters
huang zuo ; peng jian guo ; liu bao zuo ; ding guo hua ; hu hui hua ; wang yue fei
Quantitative Study on Plastic Shrinkage of Cement Mortar
huang yun yong ; chen lei ; zheng ru yan ; xiao shao hua
Study on Improvement of High liquid limit Soil
zhao chao yang
The Contact Effect Research on Soil-structure Interaction Under Seismic Response
zeng zhi qiang ; guo zhi yu
Reclaim Method and Instance of Stone Arch Bridge During old Highway Reconstruction
tu jun lian ; he ying yong
The Applied Research on Mathematical Statistics in Determining the Standard Value of Geotechnical Pparameters
huang zuo ; peng jian guo ; liu bao zuo ; ding guo hua ; hu hui hua ; wang yue fei
Application of Monitoring Technique to High Slope Treatment of Expressway
wang shao qiang ; zhao fei
Quantitative Study on Plastic Shrinkage of Cement Mortar
huang yun yong ; chen lei ; zheng ru yan ; xiao shao hua
Evaluation Technology on the Adhesion between Aggregate and Asphalt
yu guo hong ; yuan wan jie ; sun chang xin
Design Optimization of Embankment on Offshore Soft Ground
liu zhi an ; li shou de ; wang bao tian ; li qin qin
The large-scale triaxial tests on red sandstone soil reinforced with geogrids
xu gui lin ; huang xiang jing ; yang guo lin ; liu zhe zhe
The Application on Light-weight Aggregate Concrete Applied to the Strengthening of Long-span PC Bridge
yang zuo ; li wei min ; huang jian yue ; shi xue fei
Application of Monitoring Technique to High Slope Treatment of Expressway
wang shao qiang ; zhao fei
Evaluation Technology on the Adhesion between Aggregate and Asphalt
yu guo hong ; yuan wan jie ; sun chang xin
Design Optimization of Embankment on Offshore Soft Ground
liu zhi an ; li shou de ; wang bao tian ; li qin qin
Research on Improving Algorithm Optimization of Transport Network Capacity Model Based on Bi-level Programming
deng zi yin ; li rui min ; zhang jian ping ; wei xin xin ; guo min
The large-scale triaxial tests on red sandstone soil reinforced with geogrids
xu gui lin ; huang xiang jing ; yang guo lin ; liu zhe zhe
Effects of Roller Vibration on Near Structures
zuo xing cheng ; dong guo qing ; liu wei gang
Study on Scheme of Wide Fish-bellied Box Beam
luo xin cai
FEM Analysis for Bearing Characteristics of CFG Composite Foundation
cheng hong sheng ; long wei
The Optimization of Soil-cave Treatment Method Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
shu wen xin ; zou guo qing ; liu dan liang
Research About Daynamic Test of Nanchang Bayi Bridge
guan guo dong ; yuan tong sen ; chen zhi ; li long jun
Analysis of Re-consolidation of Soil Around Pile
cheng yuan fan
Design and Application of Asphalt Pavement with Flexible Base Using on Soft Soil Roadbed
guo yue qin ; mo shi xiu ; luo xu dong ; liu shi lian
Grey Relation Analysis of Low-temperature Performance Indexs of Asphalt Binder
huang bing ; yan ke zhen ; lin feng
Analysis and Calculation of Bridge Design Flood Peak Flow
li liang jie
Evaluation Approaches of Second Grade Highway Green Landscape
yuan li ; wen feng tao ; lu jian
Spatial Analysis of Self-anchored Suspension Bridge and Static Load Test
xiang zuo qiang ; zhu lei ; zheng jiang min ; tang guo bin ; wu sun yao
Effects of Roller Vibration on Near Structures
zuo xing cheng ; dong guo qing ; liu wei gang
A Measurement Research of Highway Pavement Cracks Based on Visual Image Processing
li yong ; liu jun ; xiao yu
Research About Daynamic Test of Nanchang Bayi Bridge
guan guo dong ; yuan tong sen ; chen zhi ; li long jun
Spatial Analysis of Self-anchored Suspension Bridge and Static Load Test
xiang zuo qiang ; zhu lei ; zheng jiang min ; tang guo bin ; wu sun yao
Evaluation Approaches of Second Grade Highway Green Landscape
yuan li ; wen feng tao ; lu jian
Analysis and Calculation of Bridge Design Flood Peak Flow
li liang jie
Grey Relation Analysis of Low-temperature Performance Indexs of Asphalt Binder
huang bing ; yan ke zhen ; lin feng
Design and Application of Asphalt Pavement with Flexible Base Using on Soft Soil Roadbed
guo yue qin ; mo shi xiu ; luo xu dong ; liu shi lian
A Measurement Research of Highway Pavement Cracks Based on Visual Image Processing
li yong ; liu jun ; xiao yu
Research on Discrimination of the Pile Integrity Type
li jun ; yang hua
The Optimization of Soil-cave Treatment Method Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
shu wen xin ; zou guo qing ; liu dan liang
FEM Analysis for Bearing Characteristics of CFG Composite Foundation
cheng hong sheng ; long wei
Study on Scheme of Wide Fish-bellied Box Beam
luo xin cai
Research on Discrimination of the Pile Integrity Type
li jun ; yang hua