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Highway Engineering
2007 Issue 2
Study on the heat resistance of the bridge structural adhesive and excellent design
LI Lifeng;LI Xun;YANG Xueshi;XIONG Shuhua;ZHU Mengliang
Study on the Impacts of Urban Land Use on Travel Demand
ZHENG Jie;LU Huapu
Sample Survey Methods For Tourism Transportation
ZHENG Jie;LU Huapu
Application of wavelet analysis to noise removal for slope's displacement monitoring dates
YAN Zhen;LU Yang;YU Jianhua;TIAN Binpeng
The Experimental Research on Load Transference of Piles in Multi-element Composite Foundation
DING Bangying;LIU Jie;ZENG Qingguo
Effects of RAP Content on Performance of Cold Reclaimed Asphalt Mixture
ZENG Menglan;XIAO Jie;WU Chaofan;HUANG Kaiyu
Study on Interfacial Effects of Silane Coupling Between Asphalt With Granite and Cement Mortar
HE Juan;SU Dagen;ZHANG Jingfeng;ZHONG Xiaomin
Research on Asphalt Mixture Based on Discrete Element Method
HUANG Wanqing;LU Yang;HE Changxuan;HUANG Bixia
Research on Characteristics of Passenger Travel Demand of Dalian Based on Residents' Trip Analysis
LIU Qiang;LU Huapu;ZOU Bo;WANG Jingfeng
Research on the Microstructure and Improvement Mechanic of Cement-ixed Soft Soil
YIN LiHua;CHEN Xiaoying;WANG Fusheng
A Method of Signalized Intersection Control Based on Petri Net and Genetic Algorithm
GUO Yanling;HUANG Zhongxiang;XIE Sai;JIANG An
Slope Vegetation: Present Situation and Its Prospect
HE Hongliang;WANG Qiong;YANG Zhijian;YAN Jingcai
Comparison and Analysis of Urban Resident Trip Characteristics
ZHOU Qian;LU Huapu;XU Wei
Traffic Incident Detection Based on the Prediction Diviation
XIANG Hongyan;LIU Wei;ZHU Shunying
The Gray Relational Grades Analysis of Lime-fly Ash Basecourse on Fatigue Property
GAO Qiong;WANG Changheng
On Asphalt Mixture Water Destructive Test Method Appraisal and Improvement
SU Huacai;XIE Huachang
Waterproofing and Drainage Design and Construction for Multi-arch Tunnel Partition Wall
CHEN Yu;LIU Xiaobin;LIU Jiuli
Practical computation method of section area and gravity center of solid-web section on Catenary Arch
LIAO Bihai;CHEN Xuyong;WANG Guoding
The Research and development of Intellectualized Elevation Planning System in Road Intersection
WU Xiaopin;WANG Yixin;ZHANG Jianguo
New Extensible Bolt Suitable for Large Deformation Support
LI You;ZHU Weishen;BAI Shiwei;PENG Yi
An Application Study of Computer Simulation in Traffic Diversion Plans
HE Hanhui;LI Jia;ZHU Jianhe;CAI Ningsheng
The Simulation Analysis on Road Congestion Charging of Big City
ZHU Xin;JUAN Zhicai;DU Suguo
Vibration Analysis of Overlying Viscoelastic Soil Layer under SH Wave Excitation
LI Gang;DUAN Lin;XIONG Yinong;SHANG Shouping;HUANG Juntian
Numerical Simulation of Flow in River Bends and Analysis of Subgrade Scour along River Bend
LIN Xiaoping;LING Jianming;ZHAO Hongduo;CUI Boen
The Calculation Ways of Mud-rock Flow Rormation Mechanisms Parameters on Tianshan Highway
YANG Sanqiang;LIU Tao;LI Yu;WANG Yong
Dynamic Analysis of Shallow Buried Circular Lining Tunnel with Vertical Incident P Wave
GAO Guangyun;LI Yushu;LI Tianbin
The principle and formula of Tunneling Simulation by Finite Element Method
KUAI Xingcheng;LIU Weigang;REN Biqiao;GUAN Yi
Differential settlement control criteria of bridge-approach on ride comfort
TAO Xianghua;WANG Peng;LV Shaofeng
FEM analysis of embankment of prestressed CFRP reinforced-earth
ZHOU Fen;DU Yunxing;SHANG Shouping
The Study of Calculation Model for Reinforced Subgrade on Dynamic Loading
LING Jianming;ZENG Siping;HUANG Qinlong;QUE Yun;WANG Shichuan