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Highway Engineering
2004 Issue 1
Inspection and Defect Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge
dai song ; yu zhi tao
Development of Three Dimensional Modeling for Variable Cross-section Beam Bridge
he dai ; li chuan xi ; tan hai yang
A Visualized Service System for Real Time Traffic Information
zhang liang ; sun hai dong ; he yong
Application of Optical Fiber Sensing to Soundness Monitoring of Bridges
liu zuo yu ; yuan wei guo
Statistical Analysis in Highway Construction Supervision
liu wen wei ; zeng run hong ; li qing bo ; tang jing tian
Discussions on Prevention and Rehabilitation of Pumping in Bituminous Pavements
mi jun ; zhang bin ; jing hong jun
Delay Evaluation of Urban Road Green Wave Control System
chang yun tao ; peng guo xiong
Survey of Parking Character and Revision of Iffy Data
tang zhong hua ; lu hua pu ; dai ji feng
Acquisition and Statistic Analysis of Random Load Data for Bridges
zhao zuo ; huang pei yan ; huang long tian
Mechanical Analysis for Repaired Panel Point of a Riveted Truss Girder
chen wei zhen ; liu xue ; li jin gang
Test on Forces in Flexible Hanger Rods in Combinatorial Bridges with Beams and Arches
zhu wei guo ; shen yong gang ; xiang zuo qiang ; zhang ya fei
Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Arch
zhao hua
Inspection and Test Study on a Simply Supported Bridge with 13-meter Span on Highway
bo liang tao ; chen da chuan
Discussions on Implementation of Reconstruction Plans of County and Rural Highways
hou lian jun ; wang chang heng ; zheng jing jie
Dry-shrink Properties of Stabilized Low Liquid Limit Soils
tao hai sheng
Reinforcement of Pumping Area beneath PCC Pavement Slab
xie huan tian ; luo zhi qiang
Application of High Liquid Limit Soil in Freeway Construction
luo zhi qiang
Treatment of No.2 Majiang Bridge on Yong-Lian Highway
mu cheng
Cause Analysis of Flange Plate Shear Fracture and Reinforcement Plan Selection of a T Beam Bridge
wang zhen yang ; xu zuo ; shi zuo zuo
Design and Application of Ground Anchor Reinforcement in Rock Mass Slope
wen hao xiong ; tian jun ; liu xiao ming
Design of PCC overlay on clay-bound macadam pavement
feng dai sen
Cost Calculation and Decision Making of Highway Maintenances Programs
fu qiu sheng ; lu yi ; zhang qi sen
Optimization Method for Highway Route Planning and Its Application
chen yuan xiang ; liu fang qiang
Overload Design and Unload Time Determination of Soft Soil Foundation for Highways
chen dao zhi ; chen dong sheng
Classification of High Liquid Limit Clay for Direct Filling
liu yin sheng
In-situ Washing-out Tests of Ecological Protection of Rocky Slopes
jiang de song ; chen chang fu ; zhao ming hua ; yang yu
Effects of Temperature on Air Voids of Asphalt Mixtures
lu zheng lan ; yuan zhi ping ; zhu meng liang
A General Formulation for Stiffness Modulus of Asphalt Binders Using Routine Test Data
zeng meng lan ; li jie ; huang bing ; li qun
Discussions on High Temperature Grading of Superpave PG System for Asphalt Binders
zou gui lian ; zhang xiao ning ; li zhi
Discussions on Drainage of Bridge Surface
wan jian ping ; zhang liang ; luo jie
Application of Fiber Reinforced Plastics Tendons in Bridge Engineering
ruan ji min ; wang bai sheng ; zhang zuo zuo
Study on Bending Concrete Beam Reinforced with CFRP
zhang liang ; luo jie
A Distributed Parallel Computing Structure for Traffic Simulation System
zuo gang ; li zhi heng ; zhang yi