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Rain Fed Crops
2012 Issue 10
Selenium Determination of Tropical Fruits and Vegetables by Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
ye hai hui ; xie de fang ; xie zuo ; wu xue jin
xi de sheng wu xue zuo yong
ju yu xin pin zhong ji ju yu 1 hao xuan yu bao gao
liu peng ; wang xiu fei ; zhang wei dong ; han li jun
Application of Bubble Irrigation Techniques in Kiwifr~t Production
liu ping ; liu xiu ju ; du gao lou ; guo jiang pu ; huang ke xin ; qin xiao jun ; zhu yang
Utilization of the Wild Flower Resources in Landscape in Zhengzhou City
ma xiao ; zhang jun ye ; chen gang
Application of Marker-assisted Breeding in the Breeding of Rice
qin yan chun ; wu wei yao
Effects of Prolonging Light Duration on the Growth of Cucumber Seedlings
liang yong ; zhou zhi jiang ; yao yong kang ; jin jing ; liu shi hui
Production, Utilization Status and Development of Special Corn in China
wang xiao qiang ; li zhan lin ; wu jian kai ; zhao ming sen ; wang ruo peng ; cao xiong ; huang min jia ; liang xiao hong
Efleet of Balanced Fertilization on the Yield and Quality of Potato
ma wen juan ; tong yan an ; gao peng cheng