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2011 Issue 11
Clinical analysis of 69 patients with primary gastric diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
WANG Xiao-pei;ZHENG Wen;LIU Wei-ping;XIE Yan;TU Mei-feng;LIN Ning-jing;SONG Yu-qin;PING Ling-yan;YING Zhi-tao;DENG Li-juan;ZHANG Chen;ZHU Jun Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Translational Research of Ministry of Education;Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute;Beijing 100142;China
Current research and advances in cancer breakthrough pain
LI Hua;LIU Wei Department of Oncology;the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University;Shijiazhuang 050011;China
Celastrus orbiculatus extract inhibits the xenograft tumor growth of HepA1-6 hepatoma in mice
HOU Ying1;2;YUAN Lin2;3;QIAN Ya-yun2;ZHANG Hua4;LIU Yan-qing2 1.Department of Oncology;Lishui Country People’s Hospital;Nanjing 211200;China;2.Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Western Medicine;Yangzhou University;Yangzhou 225009;China;3.Department of Radiology;97th Hospital of People’s Liberation Army;Xuzhou 221000;China;4.Department of Nursing;Medical College;Yangzhou University;Yangzhou 225009;China
The effect of PRMT2 gene-targeted microRNA on estrogen-mediated proliferation of breast cancer MCF7 cells
ZHONG Jing;LI Rong-fang;CHEN Ya-jun;CAO Ren-xian;WEN Ge-bo Institute of Clinical Medicine;First Affiliated Hospital of Nanhua University;Hengyang 421001;China
Clinical features and prognosis of 376 patients with T1micN0M0,T1aN0M0 and T1bN0M0 breast cancer
LI Jun-nan;LIU Xiao-dong;TONG Zhong-sheng Department of Breast Oncology;Cancer Hospital of Tianjin Medical University;Key Laboratory of Breast Cancer Prevention and Therapy;Ministry of Education;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therapy;Tianjin 300060;China
Metastasis-related characteristics of tumor spheres derived from human colorectal cancer cell line HCT116
JIA Jian-feng;CHENG Yong;WU Nai-jin;REN Lin-fei;XU Wei;LIU Yi-wu;YANG Xiao-ding Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery;First Hospital of Chongqing Medical University;Chongqing 400016;China
Clinical observation of decitabine treatment for patients with acute myeloid leukemia
FANG Bao-zhi;HE Guang-sheng;WU De-pei;SUN Ai-ning;JIN Zheng-ming;QIU Hui-ying;FU Zheng-zheng;TANG Xiao-wen;MIAO Miao;HAN Yue;ZHAO Ye;WANG Ying;WANG Xiu-li;WU Xiao-jin First People’s Hospital of Soochow University;Jiangsu Institute of Hematology;Key Laboratory of Thrombosis and Hemostasis;Suzhou 215006;China
Instructions for TUMOR International Authors
The expression and subcellular localization of G protein-coupled receptor 30 in Ishikawa endometrial adenocarcinoma cells
E Jia1;ZHANG Mu2;MA Qin-yi3;XU Yun-zhao1;ZHANG Yu-quan1 1.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University;Nantong 226001;China;2.Department of Clinical Medicine;Medical College of Nantong University;Nantong 226001;China;3.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;Nantong Maternal and Child Health Hospital;Nantong 226001;China
Preventive and therapeutic effects of curcumin on bladder cancer in rats
TIAN Bin-qiang1;ZHAO Ying-mei1;WANG De-gui2;WANG Zhi-ping3;GONG Min1;HU Wei1 1.Department of Urology;Pudong New Area Nanhui Center Hospital;Shanghai 201300;China;2.Department of Anatomy;School of Basic Medical Sciences;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China;3.Department of Urology;Second Hospital;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730030;China
Influence of chemotherapy on CD44+CD24-/low cell subpopulation of triple-negative breast cancer
WEI Su-ju;LI Hai-fei;LIU Yi-bing;KONG Yan;DONG Qian;WANG Jun-yan Department of Medical Oncology;Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University;Shijiazhuang 050011;China
MicroRNA-7 silencing EGFR/PI3K pathway reverses the malignant phenotype of U251 glioma cells
LIU Xiao-zhi1;JIANG Zhong-min2;CHEN Lei1;LIU Hong-liang1;SHI Wan-chao1;ZHANG He-liang1;LIU Zhen-lin1 1.Department of Neurosurgery;2.Department of Pathology;Tianjin Fifth Central Hospital;Tianjin 300450;China
Molecular biological characteristics of bilateral primary breast cancer
ZHUANG Xin-rong;WANG Tong;ZHANG Qin;LIU Hong Department of Breast Oncology;Cancer Hospital;Tianjin Medical University;Key Laboratory of Breast Cancer Prevention and Therapy;Ministry of Education;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therapy;Tianjin 300060;China
Immunoregulatory effect of chemotherapeutic drugs
ZHU Yan1;ZHU Ping2;BU Ding-fang3 1.Department of Oncology;2.Department of Hematology;3.Department of Central Laboratory;First Hospital;Peking University;Beijing 100034;China
Evaluation of efficacy and safety of platinum-based doublet chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients aged 70 years or over
ZHU Xiao-li;ZHANG Li Department of Respiratory Diseases;Zhongda Hospital;Southeast University;Nanjing 210009;China
PLCE1 over-expression inhibits migration of colon cancer SW620 cells and induces their apoptosis
WANG Xiao-liang1;ZHOU Chong-zhi1;QIU Guo-qiang1;FAN Jun-wei1;XING Tong-hai1;LI Tao1;SUN Xing1;TANG Hua-mei2;PENG Zhi-hai1 1.Department of General Surgery;2.Department of Pathology;Shanghai First People’s Hospital;Shanghai Jiaotong University;Shanghai 200080;China
A phase Ⅱ clinical trial of recombinant human interleukin-2 in treatment of advanced melanoma
TANG Bi-xia;SI Lu;CHI Zhi-hong;CUI Chuan-liang;SHENG Xi-nan;MAO Li-li;GUO Jun Department of Melanoma & Kidney Cancer;Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Translational Research of Ministry of Education;Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute;Beijing 100142;China
Regenerating gene Ⅳ and its carbohydrate-recognition domain promote angiogenesis of colorectal carcinoma xenografts in nude mice
GUO Ying1;LI Nan2;XU Jia-jia3;TIAN Xiao-qiang2;HUANG Pei-lin2 1.Department of Pathology;School of Basic Medicine;Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Nanjing 210046;China;2.Department of Pathology;School of Medicine;Southeast University;Nanjing 210009;China;3.Department of Pathology;Zhongda Hospital;Southeast University;Nanjing 210009;China