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Journal of Hangzhou University of commerce
2004 Issue 3
lun du li dong shi zhi du zai wo guo de gou jian
zhu min ling
shi lun liang he gong si de zi ben zhi du
yang qin
Comparative study on attribution principle of employer's liability
Wu Bin;Qian Yanhua
Rights to use of sea territory
Mao Yamin
Development of and coordination between credit and right in res
Zhang Liguo;Xu Hongchen
yi fa xing zheng cun zai de wen ti ji qi dui ce
huang yue lin
Good faith construction in lawyers'practice
Zheng Buying
wo guo shu zi dian shi fa zhan de nei yin yu wen ti
lin hong
qian xi wen hua cha yi dui ying yu xue xi de ying xiang
li xiao yuan
Cultural adaptability and cross-cultural communication
JIANG Yuhong
Personal ownership and social compatibility in present China
Xiao Guofei;Ren Chunxiao
xin xi hua dui xian dai jiao yu de ying xiang
xiao fang
qian xi shi ting zheng ju xin gui ze de shi yong
li yan qin
Value and choice
Huang Li
Fair trial of criminal defendant in mass-media epoch
WANG Jianlin
Negation of strict liability in Criminal Law
Ou Jinxiong