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Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
2004 Issue 4
On Respiratory Skills in Playing the Trumpet
tao ji quan
On Sound-Shift of Phonetic Loan Characters
wu ze shun
On Mill's Feminist Thought
pan ying hua
On Social Estimation of Chinese Youths' Realistic Value around 1911
li you fu ; gao fei
On Mutual Inclusiveness of Socialism and Democracy
li jing yu ; lin shuang cheng
Development of Social Groups and United Front Work in Hangzhou:A Survey and Reflection
xu xiao ming ; wang kang ; wang jie
WTO and Business Orientation of Jinhua
chen yu qing
Souls Besieged by Desires:A Thematic Survey on Macbeth and Emperor Jones
peng gui ju ; xiong rong bin
War Between Portia and Antonio in The Merchant of Venice
jiang min zhen
Research on Emotion of Anger:A Review
sui guang yuan ; shi li jun
On Performance of Bach-style Keyboard Music on Accordions
jin ying zi