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Journal of Guangdong Ocean University
2014 Issue 1
Molecular Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase Gene from Vibrio alginolyticus
CAI Jia;,CHEN Li-ming;,JIAN Ji-chang;,PAND Huan-ying;,TANG Ju-fen;,WANG Bei;,WU Zao-he;
Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of acfA Gene from Vibrio alginolyticus
CAI Shuang-hu;,CHENG Hai-yan;,JIAN Ji-chang;,LU Yi-shan;,PANG Huang-ying;,WU Zao-he;
Effects of Salinity on Oxygen Consumption Rate and Ammonia Excretion Rate of Juvenile of Hybrid Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × O. urolepis hornorum)
CHEN Gang;,HUANG Jian-sheng;,LI Ming-hao;,LI Rui-wei;,LU Mai-xin;,TANG Bao-gui;,WANG Zhong-liang;,ZHANG Jian-dong;,ZHOU Hui;
Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Respiratory Metabolism of Derbio (Trachinotus ovatus L.)
CHEN Gang;,CHU Qing-zhu;,HUANG Jian-sheng;,LI Jin-lan;,LI Xiang-ming;,SHI Gang;,TANG Bao-gui;,WANG Zhong-liang;,ZHANG Jian-dong;,ZHOU Hui;
Effects of Temperature and Body Weight on Oxygen Consumption Rate of juvenile Myxocyprinus asiaticus
CHEN Na-na;,FAN Jun-de;,SHEN Zheng-xiong;,XU Qin-zhi;,ZHOU Bo;
Effects of Salinity, pH and Sizes on Clearance Rate, Ingestion Rate and Absorption Efficiency of Soletellina acuta
DENG Le-ping;,HUANG Hai-li;,HUANG Yang;,LIU Zhi-gang;,SUN Cheng-bo;
Genetic Diversity of the Four Shell Color Families of Pinctada martensii by SSR Marker System
BAI Cheng;,LIU Zhi-gang;,LIUFU Shao-mei;,SUN Zong-hong;,WU Zao-He;
Estimates of Heritabilities and Genetic Correlations for Growth in Haliotis diversicolor supertexta
BAO Xiu-feng;,HU Zhi-guo;,JIANG Xiang;,LIU Jian-yong;
Constructing the Relationship of Growth of Tetraselmis subcordiformis with Temperature and Salinity
LIU Jia-hui;,WANG Hui;,YANG Hong-shuai;
Acute Toxic Effect of Hg2+and Cd2+on Gafrarium tumidum
CHEN Ming-qiang;,FENG Yong-qin;,GUO Hua-yang;,LI Ming-yao;,LI You-ning;,WU Kai-chang;,YAN Jun-xian;,ZHANG Zhe;
Forecasting of the China Sea Wind Energy Density
SONG Shuai;,SU Qin;,ZHENG Chong-wei;,ZHOU Lin;
Design and Implementation of Expert System in Mangrove Wetland Birds Identification
CHEN Yue-chao;,FENG Qiong-ying;,YANG Feng;,ZHANG Jia-shan;
Research Progress of Genetic Linkage of Marine Commercial Shellfish
LIU Jin;,LIU Zhi-gang;,WANG Hui;
Research Progress of Artificial Culture and Genetic Breeding of Argopecten irradians concentricus Say
LIU Zhi-gang;,LIUFU Shao-mei;,PENG Zhang-ming;