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Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University
2007 Issue 5
"Out of Shape": a Serious and Light Topic
LI Xiao-bing
On the Research Method of Wang Ping's A Study of WANGWENZHI
ZHONG Jing-wei;MIN Ding-qing
The Rise and Development of Graduate Education in Maritime Economics
CHEN Wan-ling;XU Zhi-bin;ZHANG Qing-lin
Context, Rhetoric and Teaching of Advanced English
FENG Shi-mei
On the Development of Labor-intensive Industry in China
CHEN Wei;LU Xiu-rong
On Cooperation of Service in Trade Between China and India
SHI Ling-yan;CHEN Yun-yun
A Study of the Functional Characters of Sea God Faith
YE Lan-tao
Focus on of Issues on WTO Negotiation of Fishery Subsidy
CHEN Shu-ping;LEI Jian-wei;ZHU Hong-fan
Review of British Fisheries Cases: Fishing Quota Hopping
LIU Xin-shan;YAN Tie-yi
Reflection on Ocean-oriented Features of Guangdong Ocean University
ZHANG Jian-gang