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Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University
2003 Issue 1
Advances of Studies on Genetic Background of Tilapia
zhu hua ping ; huang zhang han ; lu mai xin ; liu chu wu
The Application of the EM Cultivation Medium to the Weaner Piglets
xie wei tian ; chen shi jin
An Efficient Method for the Computation of Simple Singular Points
ye rui song ; zhang jian gang
Method of Network Performance Improvement Based on RMON2 and Traffic Analysis
zhang ding xing ; wu chun hua
Research on Data Structure and API of All-hexahedral FEM
su cai mao ; han rong de ; liang zuo hui
Work Programme of Acoustic assessment of Multi-species Fish Stock in the South China Sea
li yong zhen ; chen guo bao ; sun dian rong ; zhang xu feng
Studies on the Growth of Coelomactra antiquata (Spengler)
liu de jing ; wang jia zuo ; xiao hua lin ; xiao si zuo ; huang tian hua ; chi bao xing
Effect on the Level of Serum Gonadotropin after Injection of LHRH-A and hCG in the Southern Catfish(Silurus meridionalis Chen)
deng si ping ; wang de shou ; zhang yao guang ; wu tian li
Sequence Conservation of Cytochrome b in Four Sparidae Fishes
liu hong yan ; su tian feng ; zhou fa lin ; lv jun lin ; jiang shi gui
Molluscs of mangrove areas in Leizhou Peninsula,China
han wei dong ; cai ying ya ; liu jin ke ; lao zan ; li zhi min ; luo yuan mou