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Journal of Zhejiang Institute of Science and Technology
2001 Issue 1
Research on Synthesis and Application of Coat Dyeing Binder with Property of Low Temperature Self-crosslinking
LI Han-ting;HE Yan-qiao;YANG Ying;ZHAO Xue-yi;HUANG Li
Preparation of Discharge Agent ZS-8 and Its Application to Silk Printing
LIU Hua;FENG Yun-fang;JIANG Yi-xin;GUO Wen-deng
General Access and Mode that Chinese Modern Career Wear Ambraces the External Styles
ZHANG Jing-qiong;ZHANG Yu-xia;ZHOU Kai-yan;CHEN Ping
Voice Input of Fabric Weave Analysis
YAO Yue-fei;FAN Xiao-ming
Review of Research on Mechanism of Drag Reduction by Polymer Additives
SHAO Xue-ming;LIN Jian-zhong
Research on a Mathematical Model about the Distribution of Salary
LUO Hua;LIU Jian-bin;FAN You-fang
A Method to Uprade a Mechanical Meter to a Digital Meter
GE Chun-liang;CHEN Ba-xian
Administration in a Windows 9X Open Computer Lab
ZHOU Hua;XU Dong-xia
Avoiding the E-mail Bomb
XU Jian-long;YUAN Jie