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Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
2016 Issue 6
University-Industry Knowledge Synergy Innovation in Regional Innovation Ecosystems:Practical Issues,Theoretical Basis and Research Agenda
Zou Xiaodong;Wang Kai;Research Center for Science;Technology and Education Policy;Zhejiang University;Institute of Education Economics and Management;Ningbo University;
Neuropsychological System for Chinese Non-literal Language Processing
Wang Xiaolu;Guo Xiaoqun;School of Foreign Language and Culture and International CommunicationInternational Studies;Zhejiang University;School of Humanities &Communication Arts;Western Sydney University;
An fMRI Study on the Cognitive Processing of Different Types of Chinese Metaphoric Sentences
Li Ying;Mo Lei;Shi Dapeng;Zhang Xuexin;Department of Education;Zhengzhou University;School of Psychology;South China Normal University;Department of Radiology;Henan Provincial People’s Hospital;Department of Psychology;Fudan University;
Direct Social Perception and Understanding Other Minds:A Neurophenomenological Proposal
Chen Wei;Li Hengwei;Department of Psychology;Shaoxing University;Department of Philosophy;Zhejiang University;
A Study of Distinguishing Linked Structure from Convergent Structure:Argument Diagramming from Multidimensional Perspective
Jin Li;Wang Man;Center for the Study of Language and Cognition;Zhejiang University;
A Study of the Japanese Particles マデ and マデニ with Error Analysis from the Perspective of Boundedness Theory
Wang Xin;He Zhe;School of Foreign Languages;Hangzhou Normal University;Foreign Languages and Trade Department;Jiaxing Vocational Technical College;
Kamei Nammyeong’s Annotations of Chunki’u Tso Chuan Kaoyi and Its Significance in Academic History
Mao Zhenhua;School of Chinese Language and Culture;Zhejiang International Studies University;
Poverty Characteristics of Global Aging Population and Anti-poverty Public Policies
Hao Junfu;School of Insurance and Economics;University of International Business and Economics;
Fiscal Burden Analysis for Citizenization of Immigrants from Rural Areas
Zhu Boming;Cao Dan;College of Economics;Zhejiang University;
Does Agricultural Insurance Promote Agricultural Productivity?——A Case Study Based on China’s Inter-provincial Panel Data
Ma Shuzhong;Liu Mengheng;Center for Research in Regional Economic Opening and Development;Zhejiang University;
The Study of Chinese Enterprises’ International Market Entry Mode Choice:A Resource-based Perspective under Multidimensional Institutional Environment
Wu Xiaobo;Bai Xubo;Chang Xiaoran;School of Management;Zhejiang University;
Influencing Factors of Chinese Firms’ Merger & Acquisition Performance:An Empirical Study Based on the Resource-based View and Institution-based View
Chen Limin;Wang Xiaoxia;School of Economics & Management;Wuhan University;
On the Great Division of Continental Civil Law
Zheng Guan;Xu Wei;Xiong Bingyuan;Guanghua Law School;Zhejiang University;Law School;Ningbo University;School of Economics;
xin shu jia