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Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
2008 Issue 1
zhu chi ren yu
wang yi zhou
A Reductionist, Idealistic Notion that Adds Little Analytical Value
ba rui bu zan ; cui shun ji ; yu zuo feng
Human Security and Environmental Cooperation for Peace
song xia he fu ; li jia
On the Urging of Civil Prosecution
Fu Guoyun
Study on Legislation of Sustainable Development
Ji Anzhao;Yuan Jinghua
A Study on Issues of Copyright System of Architectural Works
Li Yongming;Wang Junlan
The Production of Esthetic Value
Du Shuying
Hermann Hesse and Aestheticism
Zhang Hong
How Could the Beautiful Be the Symbol of the Morally-Good?
Shen Yubing
Kai Hentai and the Historical Materials of the Qing Dynasty
Wang Yong;Sun Wen
On Ralph Ellison's Anatomy of Human Nature
Tan Huijuan
Some Thoughts on the Value Orientation of EQO Education
Liu Xiaowei
xue shu xin xi