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Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
2005 Issue 3
Deliberative Democracy in Different Places
john s.dryzek; wang da lin
Realizing Deliberative Democracy: Virtual and Face to Face Possibilities
james s.fishkin; lao jie
Participatory and Deliberative Institutions in China
he bao gang ; chen cheng xin
The Internet Public Forum: the Rise of Deliberative Democracy
CHEN Sheng-yong;DU Jie
On Huizinga's Theory of Play
DONG Chong-cao
On the Literary and Cultural System of the Liao Dynasty
HU Shu-hui
James Legge and His Translation of Chinese Classics
DUAN Huai-qing
"Shi" and "Zai"
Triple Interpretation of Verbal Communication
China Root Found in the Tea Thought of Choui Uisun
PAN Gen-sheng;MA Xiao-li;SHEN Sheng-rong
Two Academic Revolutions: From Research University to Entrepreneurial University
WANG Yan;KONG Han-bing;WANG Pei-min
The Wenzhou Mode: Its Connotation, Characteristics and Value
FANG Li-ming;XI Cong-qing
huo feng lai yuan kao
yuan xiu bai
xue shu xin xi bu bai