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Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
2004 Issue 1
The Academic Degree System of Missionary Universities in Modern China
zhou gu ping ; ying fang zuo
Behind the Form:A Historical Analysis on the Quannong System of the Song Dynasty
bao wei min ; wu zuo qiang
Chinese Etymology for he
zhang hong ming ; yan qia mao ; deng feng ping
A Study on the Rhyme of Miao-zhen-zan in Dunhuang
jiang xue wang
The Real Meaning of Jiuwei Fox
cai tang gen
tian wen tu shuo yu xi fang chuan jiao shi
gong ying zuo ; zhao zuo
zhou ji ben yu li yi de " ci shi " xin shuo
shi lin
zhong hua shu ju ban hou han shu xiao kan shang dui
zhang dao qin
xue shu xin xi bu bai
Reflections on the Word-of-mouth Communication Research
huang xiao jun ; xu wei qing
The Necessary Evil:Adorno's defense of Modernism
shen yu bing
The Government Self-interest:Problems and Solutions
chen guo quan ; li yuan lin