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Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
2003 Issue 1
China's Buddhist Sacred Mount Putuo and Sila Reef
pu xian gui
An Analysis of Leishu Boom in the Song Dynasty
he zhong li ; zheng zuo
Political Modernization of Town: A Case Study of Nanxun
lang you xing
Transcendental Argumentation about the Ethical Problem of Human Cloning Technology
sun he ping ; sheng xiao ming
The Conception of Individual and the Problem of Solipsism
zhang jiang nan
Othello: the Making of a Western "Other"
zhang de ming
A Brief Account of Middle English Debate Poetry
chen cai yu
How China Bridges Digital Divide: Consideration and Countermeasures
shao pei ren ; zhang jian kang
On Patent Protection of Genetic Technology
li yong ming ; pan can jun
The Dispute Settlement for the BOT Concession
weng guo min ; mao zuo zuo