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Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
2001 Issue 5
A Study of Agronomic Words in %ShuoWenJieZi%
you xiu ling
A Lexical Study of %DaFangBianFoBaoEnJing
fang yi xin
Male|Chauvinism and Colonialism of the Metaphysical Poets
zhang de ming
The Imprint of Chinese Poetry on Japanese Haiku
lu jian
A Difficult Issue in Lu Xun's Testament
zhu qian min
Gains and Losses: Realism in the New Poetry Before the Cultural Revolution
luo han chao ; zhang li ping
Development and Focus Shift of Chinese Narratology
jin jian ren
yu yu kao yuan
yu xin
Reflections on the Idea of Fate
ma zhi zheng
The Negative Impact of Modernity on Psychological Health
zhang wen jun
Reflections on the Research Models of Organization Communication
huang xiao jun
Early Marxist Newspapers in Zhejiang Province
he yang ming
Knowledge Transaction
jin xiang rong ; zhu xi wei
Surplus Sharing and Income Distribution
guo ji qiang ; xu zhong hai ; xu wei hong
Formation and Implementation of Tax Planning
zhou xia fei
Self|Preservation in Environmental Protection
qian shui miao
Reflections on the Value of Environmental Public Relations
xiong wei ping