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Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science)
2016 Issue 7
Effect of vertical load on lateral behavior of single pile in clay
HE Ben;,WANG Huan;,HONG Yi;,WANG Li-zhong;,ZHAO Chang-jun;,QIN Xiao;
Impact for blade position on aerodynamic performance of wind turbine system under stopped status
KE Shi-tang;,YU Wei;,WANG Tong-guang;
Effect of aerodynamic optimization to across-wind response of super tall buildings
WANG Lei;,LIANG Shu-guo;,WANG Ze-kang;,ZHANG Zheng-wei;
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of flow around spur dike with bivariate normal surface
SUN Zhi-lin;,YU Gang-jie;,XU Dan;,MA Guo-qi;
Calculation of internal solitary wave force on horizontal submerged circular cylinder
YIN Wen-ming;,GUO Hai-yan;,WU Kai-feng;,MA Dong;
Equipment cabin aerodynamic performance of electric multiple unit going through tunnel by dynamic model test
NIU Ji-qiang;,LIANG Xi-feng;,ZHOU Dan;,LIU Tang-hong;
Traffic signal switching control approach based on state control ability analysis
WANG Li;,ZHANG Li-li;,PAN Ke;,LI Zheng-xi;
Transfer function of steering system and acquisition method of ideal steering ratio
CHENG Zhun;,LU Zhi-xiong;,GONG Jia-hui;,DIAO Xiu-yong;
Heat dissipation of LED headlamps based on corona discharge
LI Xiao-hua;,BAO Wei-wei;,WANG Jing;,LI Hui-xia;,CAI Yi-xi;
Two-step filtering based time series similarity search
CAI Qing-lin;,CHEN Ling;,MEI Han-lei;,SUN Jian-ling;
Visual trajectory planning for mobile robots based on hybrid artificial potential field
DING Xia-qing;,DU Zhuo-yang;,LU Yi-qing;,LIU Shan;
Vortex signal processing method based on multi-sensor information fusion
SONG Kai-chen;,ZENG Yao;,YE Ling-yun;
New hybrid decomposition many-objective evolutionary algorithm
GUO Xiao-fang;,WANG Yu-ping;,DAI Cai;
Nonparametric RGB-D scene parsing based on Markov random field model
FEI Ting-ting;,GONG Xiao-jin;
Bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor query algorithm in environment of mobile cloud computing
JI Chang-qing;,YU Sheng;,WANG Bao-feng;,TAO Shuai;,WANG Zu-min;,WANG Run-fang;
Register allocation algorithm of dynamic binary translation based on priority
DAI Tao;,SHAN Zheng;,LU Shuai-bing;,SHI Qiang;,TAN Jie;
Link prediction based on similarity of nodes of multipath in weighted social networks
GUO Jing-feng;,LIU Miao-miao;,LUO Xu;
Compressed-air hybrid engine for exhaust energy recovery based on medium mixing
XU Huan-xiang;,YU Xiao-li;,WANG Lei;,FAN Zhi-peng;,DOU Wen-bo;,WEI Wei;,LI Dao-fei;
Multi-objective optimization of ribs design parameters for plastic oil cooler cover
ZHANG Jun-hong;,GUO Qian;,WANG Jian;,XU Zhe-xuan;,CHEN Kong-wu;
Heat transfer in opening system with participating mediums
XIA Yu;,QIU Xing-qi;,HUI Yuan-yuan;
F-MEWMA control chart for fuzzy hierarchical quantitative characteristics
ZHOU Juan;,YU Zhong-hua;,HOU Zhi;
PC-based open control platform design of integration of machine vision and motion control
LIU Ya-nan;,NI He-peng;,ZHANG Cheng-rui;,WANG Yun-fei;,SUN Hao-chun;
Current predictive control method based on extended state observer for permanent magnetic synchronous motor
ZHANG Ming-hui;,YANG Jia-qiang;,CHEN Lei;,LOU Jia-yu;
Three-dimensional indoor positioning technology based on characteristic light source
HUANG Ji-yang;,MENG Jun;,ZHANG Ran;
Contamination event detection method based on dynamic correlation analysis of multiple water quality parameters
WEI Yuan;,FENG Tian-heng;,HUANG Ping-jie;,HOU Di-bo;,ZHANG Guang-xin;
High frame-rate blood vector velocity imaging using plane-wave ultrasound
ZHOU Mi;,ZHOU Hao;,ZHENG Yin-fei;
Back pressure characteristics of jaws inlet with constant-area isolator
GU Tian-lai;,ZHANG Shuai;,ZHENG Yao;