Study on Brightening Coal Fly-Ash by PCC Coating
FAN Hui-ming;LI Zhe;WANG Ming;JIANG Xing-ning;LIU Jian-an;State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering;National Engineering Research Center of Papermaking and Pollution Control;South China University of Technology;
Study on the Desorption of Aluminum Salts Modified Bentonite
LIN Tao;FU Yue;XU Yong-jian;ZHANG Ding-jun;ZHU Zhen-feng;College of Light Industry and Energy;Shaanxi University of Science and Technology;Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Paper Technology and Specialty Paper;Post-doctoral Research Center of Material Science and Engineering;Shaanxi University of Science and Technology;Guizhou Chitianhua Group Co.;Ltd.;