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China Pulp & Paper Industry
2014 Issue 18
shang qi yao mu 
The pattern-decision and operation of pulping system with the capacity of 200 thousand t/a
MAO En-li;,ZHANG Peng;,ZHAO Guang-tuan;
Innovation and practice on a large twin roll squeezer with replacement and press
CAO Qin;,CHEN An-jiang;,MA Huan-xing;,WANG Li-hong;
2015 nian zheng ding qi shi
The paper drying technology and its analysis on energy consumption
HE Peng-de;,ZHAO Ren-ping;
zhong hua zhi ye wang luo ban
Isolation and degradation kinetics of a strain degrading kraft pulp bleaching eflfuent
BAN Fu-chao;,CHEN Hong-lei;,REN Hai-dong;,WANG Meng;,ZHANG Wang;
Application of calcium carbonate in the production of base sheet of reconstituted tobacco by papermaking process
DAI Lu;,LIU Jin-li;,SHEN Kai;,TAO Feng;,WU Zhi-hong;,XIA Qian;,XU Jian;,YUAN Kai-long;,ZHOU Guo-jun;
An experiment for papermaking of far infrared paper
HU An-li;
Vacuum drop pipe applied in washing and concentrating equipment
CHAI Bo-xian;,LI Liang-wei;
yi ti shi wo liu zhi jiang she bei
shai gu zhi zao fang fa de gai jin
wang tan xiao zheng qi