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Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science
2013 Issue 7
Studies on natural language retrieval in 2008-2012
ZHANG Wei-cong
Parameters for the assessment of medical papers
WANG Hong-xia;DONG Jun
Web2.0 and Web3.0-based information service in academic library
ZHAO Hai-peng;HU Xi-jun
Multiple outreach information services in library of higher vocational schools
BAO Zu-jun;CAI Xiao-hong;CUI Qian;WANG Rong;ZUO Bu-dian;DU Zhao-chun
Acquisition model of printed foreign medical journals
Shelf arrangement for multi-version current journals
CAO Guang-ying
xin xi dong tai
Design and application of server virtualization in small and medium libraries
Main functions of online behaviors management system, its limitations and their solution
ZHEN Bao-she;DONG Qiu-sheng;LI Bao-xing;HUANG Wen;MA Jun-tao;SONG Xin;YAN Sheng
Literature delivery behaviors in novelty assessment of medical literature
ZHANG Ying;CHEN Wan-fu;ZHANG Hong-ping;LUO Zhen
Needs of readers for training in Library of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
WANG Li-min;ZHANG Hui;YAN Jun-tang;HUANG You-min
Medical data and their application: A review
SU Yu-zhao
Construction of grey theory-based novelty assessment index system for scientific literature
HUA Ming-yan;GAO Yue;GUO Xue-qing
Drupal-based library entrance education platform for new recruits
WANG Lin-lin;ZHANG Xu;SONG Xin;SUN Da-chen;JIN Song-gen;HU Yan-jun
Foreign OA medical information resources and their access methods
XU Jing;ZHANG Xiao-wen;ZHANG Su-yuan