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Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias
2015 Issue 5
Current knowledge and management recommendations of atrial fibrillation-2015
zhong guo yi shi xie hui xin lv xue zhuan ye wei yuan hui xin fang chan dong fang zhi zhuan jia gong zuo wei ;, zhong hua yi xue hui xin dian sheng li he qi bo fen hui ;
Clinical practice of very long-term electrocardiographic monitoring for arrhythmia
Wang Qian;,Tang Min;,Zhang Jingtao;,Zhu Di;,Zhang Shu;
Preferential conduction of arrhythmias originating from the left ven tricular outflow tract to right ven-tricular outflow tract
Li Jin;,Zheng Cheng;,Li Yuechun;,Li Jia;,Lin Jiaxuan;,Lin Jiafeng;
T wave oversensing leads to a decrease of biventricular pacing by home monitoring
xu jian ;, li shu feng ;
Application of insertable cardiac monitor:a case report
hua wei ;, ding li gang ;, fan xiao han ;, liu zhi min ;, zhang zuo ;
du zhe zuo zhe bian zhe
One case of ultra high-density electroanatomical mapping of persistent atrial flutter:Rhythmia mapping system and Orion mini-basket catheter
guo xiao gang ;, sun qi ;, liu xu ;, zhou gong bu ;, yang jian du ;, luo bin ;, ma jian ;, zhang zuo ;
Summary of the XV World Congress of Arrhythmias
fan xiao han ;, niu guo dong ;