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Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine
2011 Issue 1
Analysis of very low birth weight infants with nosocomial infection within eleven years
XING Yan;CUI Yun-pu;HAN Tong-yan;CHANG Yan-mei;TONG Xiao-mei;PIAO Mei-hua;LI Zai-ling
Elective cesarean section and neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
CHEN Chao;SHA Xiao-dan
Retrospective analysis of 1647 non-medical indicated cesarean sections
yu mei jia ; liu ying wei ; li jun nan ; wang lin ; chang qing
Re-exploration after peripartum hysterectomy in postpartum hemorrhage
DAI Man-hua;LIU Hui-shu;CHEN Dun-jin;SU Xiang-hui;HUANG Tian-qing;HUANG Dong-jian
Changes of cesarean section rate and indications in disaster areas before and after the 5·12 Wenchuan Earthquake
zhang zuo ; lv lu ping ; tang gui ying ; huang wu ; ren xiu rong
xin sheng er nao geng si bing yin yan jiu jin zhan
huang chun ling ; zhou cong le ; tang ze zhong
Face the challenge, seize the opportunity
YANG Hui-xia
Cesarean section and short and long term effect on the mothers
HU Xiao-yin;LIU Xing-hui
Impact of mother\'s cognitive behavior intervention on premature infant-mother interaction
ZHAO Min-hui;HU Yan;CHEN Chao;ZHANG Yu-xia
Timing of elective cesarean delivery at term and neonatal outcomes
GUO Qi;LI Lei;BIAN Xu-ming
Elective cesarean section and neonatal outcomes
LI Lei;BIAN Xu-ming
xin xi dong tai