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Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine
2007 Issue 1
Effects of low-frequency pulse electromagnetic field on EEG and hippocampal neuron following the global cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats
ZHANG Hong-ri;LI Bo-qin;PENG Jing-hua;LI Gang;YUAN Xiao-dong;DONG Juan
Effect of spontaneous ischemic preconditioning on infarction volume of middle cerebral artery and prognosis
HUANG Yi-hong;HUANG Fan;PENG Zhong-xing;YOU Xing
Vertebral endarterectomy for stenosis at the origin of vertebral artery:report of two cases
ZHANG Bao-guo;YIN Zhen;CHENG Gang-ge;HUANG Yong-an;WU Chen;DONG Lian-qiang
Research advances in the treatment of brain edema with hypertonic saline
LIN Jun;ZHOU Xiao-ping
Sneddon's syndrome
KOU Xue-lian;ZHENG Guo-qing;WANG Xiao-tong
Research progress of complement system and its inhibitors in cerebrovascular diseases
ZHANG Dong-ping;HU Chang-lin
Research advance on neonatal neurons in brain of adult mammals
NONG Hua;ZHANG Jian-jun;CHEN Hong
Stem cell transplantation for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
JIN Shan;SHAO Fu-yuan
Research advance of brain glioma treatment with stem cell transplantation
CHEN Zhong-can;XU Ru-xiang;JIANG Xiao-dan
Cavernous lymphangioma in the epidural space of cervicothoracic spine: report of one case
chu ming ; li guo zhong ; zuo you zhi ; zhong zhen yu ; cheng yu ; zhao shi guang
Spinal shock secondary to cervical spinal cord arteriovenous malformation: report of one case and review of literatures
zhao ling ; hou yu yu ; li yong bo ; gao shu zuo ; chu lei ; zeng fan
Mobius' syndrome:report of one case
fang su zhen ; li hong ; tian shi yu ; fang xiao ru
Early diagnosis and treatment of hydrocephalus after severe traumatic head injury
WANG Guo-ping;ZHAN Rong-ju
Clinical value of EEG in monitoring mild brain injury without positive presentation on CT
TANG Yun-tao;CHEN Hong-gang;LIU Lun-bo;ZHANG Jian;DAI Wen-juan
Correlation between blood-brain barrier and neurological function in the patients with severe intraventricular hemorrhage
JIN Feng;GUO Shou-gang;CHONG Yan-jun;LIU Chun-hua;FENG Jun;ZHAO Jia-shan
Therapeutic efficacies of different surgical methods for hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage: A retrospective analysis
MA Xiang-ke;HU Yong-feng;SHI Wei;ZHU Hong-wei;LIU Chong-xiao;ZHOU Ren;GAO Li-gui;ZHOU Le;SUN Jian-jun;WANG Rui-zhi;SONG Ying
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension clinically mimic subarachnoid hemorrhage
HUANG De-hui;XU Quan-gang;SHI Qiang;LIU Ruo-zhuo;WU Wei-ping
Hydranencephaly: report of 22 cases
YANG Fang-yu;Katumba Nyunyi Wambuyi;ZHANG Bi-qing
Diagnosis and surgical treatment of glioma of the limbic system
WANG Hai-feng;FU Shuang-lin;LUO Yi-nan;CHEN Xuan
Microsurgicai treatment for gliomas in hippocampus and insular lobe
LOU Mei-qing;LU Yi-cheng;CHEN Xian-zhen;WU Xiao-jun;HU Guo-han;LUO Chun;BAI Ru-lin;DING Xue-hua;CHEN Ju-xiang;CHEN Huai-rui
Effect of recombinant human hepatocyte growth factor on proliferation and invasion of human glioma U251 cells
CHU Sheng-hua;YUAN Xian-hou;ZHU Zhi-an;JIANG Pu-cha
Researches on the effect of thrombospondin-1, CD36, TGF-β1 in pituitary adenomas
YANG Wei;XU Guang-ming;WU Hong-xi;HAN Tao;QU Yuan-ming
Study on neural stem cells differentiated into cholinergic neuron induced by TrkA gene transfection
HE Feng;LIU Zhong-lin;YE Jian-hong;LIU Jun;XIAO Song-hua;LIU Yun-lin;HUANG Shi-xiong;XING Yi-gang
Mitochondrial damage and caspase-3 expression in hippocampal neurons of epileptic rats by means of different kindling
SUN Jian-ying;GUAN Xin-hua;ZHANG Xiu-qing;CHI Zhao-fu
Effect of free hemoglobin on viability of olfactory ensheathing cells in vitro from adult rats
XUE Hai-long;LUO Na;YANG Hao;SHEN Xue-feng;JU Gong
Experimental study on the combined treatment for rat C6 gliomas with EGFR antisense gene therapy and gamma knife radiosurgery
LI Yan-he;PU Pei-yu;XU De-sheng;KANG Chun-sheng;DONG Lun;ZHANG Zhi-yuan;WANG Guang-xiu;LIU Xiao-min;HAN Yue