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Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine
2005 Issue 7
Herpes simplex virus diencephalosis: report of one case
XU Shu-ping;CHEN Wei-xian;GU Ping
Brown-Sequard syndrome induced by pricking into vertebral canal with dagger: report of two cases
MA Jin-guang;JIANG Zhen-ru;LIU Guang-Hui;XU Qiang;XIAO Hua
Advancement of scanning probe microscope
Guo Yun-chang;CAI Ying-qian;XU Ru-xiang;JIANG Xiao-dan
Application of atomic force microscope technology in the field of biomedicine research
CAI Ying-qian;XU Ru-xiang;JIANG Xiao-dan
Establishment and evaluation of animal model of coma
JIA Xiao-jun;HU Zhi-An
Cellular transplantation and treatment of central nervous system functional deficits
PAN Li-xiong;LIU Yun-sheng
Physical effects of sleep restriction
DOU Wei;ZHAO Zhong-xin;HUANG Liu-qing
Research advance of heroin relapse and relative surgery
LIU Lin-hui;XIANG Yong-sheng;LIU Jian;XU Ru-xiang
Application of CODUBIX in cranioplasty
LIU Ying-jie;HUANG Tao;LIU Wu-hua
Clinical experience of treating severe head injury with thoracic or abdominal injury
LI Xu;PAN Feng;LI Na;ZHAO Xiao-li
Surgical treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations with hemorrhage
PENG Yuan-qiang;CHEN Shang-gu
Clinical and eletrophysiological characteristics of stiff-person syndrome
SHI Qiang;HUANG Xu-sheng;TIAN Cheng-lin;YU Sheng-yuan;Guan Wei-ping;WU Wei-ping;PU Chuan-qiang
Removal of sellar region tumors by pterional approach: report of 150 cases
SHAO Tong;CHEN De-qing;NIE Zhen-ming;REN Xian-jun;YAN Shi-qing;ZHANG Hao;CHEN Qi-long
Analysis of clinical characteristics and prognosis in patients with delayed traumatic intracranial hematoma
LIANG Yi-hu;HUANG Zhi-gang;ZHANG Yi-fei;CHEN De-sheng
Application of craniotomy with standard large flap resection in severe traumatic brain injury
LU Chao-peng;YE Wei-dong;LI Yu-Ru
Clinical effects of naloxone in treating acute cerebral infarction
Liang Jian-zhong;HUANG Guo-zhu;XIE Yu-da;SU Yi
Timing of hyperbaric oxygenation therapy on craniocerebral trauma
YANG Hai-gui;GAO Shu-wang;ZHANG Wei-tao;GAO Yong-kai
Injuries of cardiac muscle by acute cerebrovascular diseases
WU Ye-fu;Tan Sheng
Intelligence condition and event-related potential P300 of the epileptic patient
PENG Hai-feng;Zhou Shi-jun;YU Xiao-ling;ZHAO Ju-qi;PENG Wen-ying
Application of Stroop color-word test on Chinese elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's dementia
GUO Qi-hao;HONG Zhen;U Chuan-zhen;ZHOU Yan;LU Jun-chao;Ding Ding
Perfusion of highly oxygenated blood into carotid arteries in the treatment of severe craniocerebral trauma
CHEN Dong;DAI Li-meng;CAI Kun-hao;WAN Yong;CHEN Jian-liang;WU Yao-chen;XU Ru-xiang
Application of 125I in the treatment of brain tumor under CT guidance
HU Xiao-kun;QIA0 Zhi-zheng;LIANG Ke-shan;Zhang Guang-ling;WANG Cheng-de;LIU Lu-ming;LIU Yuan-wei
Research on the chemotherapeutic sensitivity of cerebral gliomas
YU Chao-chun;ZHOU Fan-min;Wang Yu-qian;ZHONG Ping
Microanatomy of facial nerve segment related to acoustic neuromas
WANG She-jun;DU Chang-sheng;ZHU Guo-jun;TANG Hong;LI Zhong-Ming;LIU Qing;YU Chun-jiang
Morphologic features and differential diagnosis of acidophilic pituitary adenoma and oncocytoma in pituitary
SUN Shu-Qing;SUN Yi-Lin;FANG Jing-yi;ZHANG Hui;QU Bao-Qing;SU Yu-jin;XU Zuo-lin
Role of midbrain periaqueductal grey matter in vascular headache model of rat
LIU Ruo-zhuo;YU Sheng-yuan
Therapeutic effects of ethanol extracts of Caesalpinia Sappan L. on experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis
LAI Cheng-hong;LI Zuo-xiao;RONG Ben-bing;LI Xiao-hong;ZHANG Shi-shan
Nanometer technique and neurobiological mono-molecular surgery
XU Ru-xiang;YU Yi-gang
Application of atomic force microscope technology in DNA research
Guo Yun-chang;CAI Ying-qian;NAKAJIMA Hideo
Atomic force microscope study of 3D structure of lipid rafts in neuron membrane
YU Yi-gang;XU Ru-xiang;JIANG Xiao-dan;CAI Ying-qian;Ding Lian-shu;YAO Qian-ming
Atomic force microscope study of invasion ability of U251 glioma cells
YU Yi-gang;XU Ru-xiang;Ding Lian-shu;KE Yi-quan;CAI Ying-qian
Observation of ultrastructure of human dendritic cells from peripheral blood by atomic force microscope
CAI Ying-qian;PAN Chun-hua;JIANG Xiao-dan;YU Yi-gang
Atomic force microscope study of pathologic section of dog brain tissue after craniocerebral firearm injury
YU Yi-gang;XU Ru-xiang;YU Li;Du Mou-xuan;CAI Ying-qian;JIANG Xiao-dan