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Chinese Journal of Stomatology
2008 Issue 7
bai qiang gu wei xian wei
fan yue
du zhe zuo zhe bian zhe
xia zuo shuang ce ce qie ya ji shang zuo di er mo ya jin zhong jia gen duo gen guan yi li
li yan ; zhao jin ; dai yong gang ; wang xing
Requirements for photographs in scientific papers
LIU Feng
An important document for higher education in stomatology in China
ZHANG Zhen-kang
Emergency rescue in Wenchuan after the earthquake
Academic Group of Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma,Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Chinese Stomatological Association
Relationships between MRI image changes of lateral pterygoid muscle, disc position and condylar mobility in Class Ⅱ1 patients
ZHOU Chuan-li;YANG Xiao-jiang;WANG Bang-kang;BAI Yu-xing
0steointegration of orthodontic microscrew implants under immediate loading in dogs
CHEN Yan;ZHAO Wen-ting;Hee-Moon Kyung
Effects of application methods of self-etching adhesives on resin-dentin bonding
YU Ling;WANG Xiao-yan;TIAN Fu-cong;GAO Xue-jun
Effect of palatoplasty timing on the dental arch relationships between upper and lower jaws
PENG Zhao-wei;MA Lian;JIA Qi-lin
Relationship between interleukin-6 gene-572C/G polymorphism and chronic periodontitis
GUAN Ze-min;LIU Jing-jin;MA Xin;WU Dong-hong;YU Jie;HUANG Guo-qiang
Screening and analysis of multi-alleles in generalized aggressive periodontitis
WANG Hong-yan;PAN Ya-ping
Prevalence of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in saliva of different types of periodontitis
FENG Xiang-hui;ZHANG Li;MENG Huan-xin;XU Li;CHEN Zhi-bin;SHI Dong
Application of near infrared spectroscopy in monitoring blood oxygen saturation of fibula flaps
SHAN Xiao-feng;CAI Zhi-gang;YU Ouang-yan;LI Yue;DING Hai-shu
Accreditation standards for undergraduate dental education programs in China (draft)
Society of Dental Education, Chinese Stomatological Association;Division of Dental Education,Society of High Medical Education,Chinese High Education Association;Division of Dental Education, Society of Medical Education, Chinese Medical Association