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Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology
2014 Issue 5
Main Lessons and Inspiration in US’s Submarine Acquisition
LIU Jinyu;,LIU Shuoyang;
Research on the Innovation of Equipment QuaIity Supervision Mode Based on DigitaI MiIitary Industry
LIU Guoqing;,YANG Yusong;,ZHAO Baofeng;
Research on Deepening Equipment Support System Innovation
LIAN Guangyao;,SUN Jiangsheng;,ZHOU Yunchuan;
Discussion on ProbIems of Deepening GeneraI Ordnance Equipment Support System Innovation
CAI Liying;,CAO Weining;,LI Huijie;,LIANG Weijie;
Research on the US Army Two-IeveI Maintenance System Transformation and Inspirations
CAI Liying;,MAO Fengchao;,WANG Kai;,ZHOU Yunchuan;
e luo si ji hua zhong xin kai zhan fu bu si - tu rang ren wu
wang ming yue ;
AnaIysis for DeveIopment of the US Prompt GIobaI Strike Equipment
CAI Yequan;,HU Lei;,LIANG Yi;,XING Jijuan;,YU Hongmin;
kong jian ping tai ying yong ti xi ji ji shu
yu xiao hong ;
Status and Trend AnaIysis of Air Launch TechnoIogy
CAI Yuanwen;,XIN Chaoj un;,YAO Jingbo;
AnaIysis of Threat Assessment of Mi I itary SateI I ites
JI Wenlong;,YANG Qing;
FauIt Detection Method Research for Integrated Navigation System
BI Yanhong;,SHU Bin;
Summary of Network Testbed Research
LI Pengwei;,SUN Yuanze;,YANG Haitao;,ZHAO Hongli;
Research on System Architecture ImpIementation Methods of WebGIS
LI Kang;,LI Xinming;,LIU Dong;,RAO Lei;,WANG Shoubiao;
Research on Service-oriented SimuIation for Equipment Support Command Training
li bin ;, zhao hong yu ;, zhao yong peng ;, zhou zuo zuo ;
mei guo kong jun jiang fa she 2 ke gao gui dao jian shi wei xing
wang ming yue ;
Review of ReIiabiIity Test EvaIuation Based on MuIti-source Information
JIANG Ping;,XING Yunyan;
Research on Connotation and Characters of Integrated Joint Test System-of-Systems
BO Yunjiao;,LI Jin;,ZHANG Lianzhong;
SimuIation and ExperimentaI Study of PropeIIant Vacuum Discharge Process
JIANG Mingwei;,KANG Liangjie;,XUAN Xiaoping;
Thought on the Management of Equipments’Spare Parts in Chinese Space Launch Site
BAI Fengtian;,CHEN Jingpeng;,DONG Fuzhi;,GUO Xiling;
Research on Issues About the DiscipIine-InstitutionaIization of MiIitary TechnoIogy PhiIosophy
GUO Shizhen;,LI Xiuchun;,YANG Zhen;
CompIex MaterieI FMECA Method Based on Product FamiIy
QIU Yanlin;,WANG Zhiyu;,YANG Dezhen;
xue yuan ming shi ming jia jie shao