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Chinese Vocational and Technical Education
2004 Issue 17
ke ji fu wu san nong zhen xing xian yu jing ji
shen wen zhan ; wang he jing
shi fan yuan xiao ban gao zhi zhuan ye de tan suo
he gen hai
dui gao zhi jiao yu gai ge yu fa zhan de ji dian si kao
li xian zheng
si chuan xiang zhen qi ye yu gao deng zhi ye jiao yu fa zhan yan jiu
yi min ; huang yu yun
lun xue xi xing zu zhi de ruan huan jing jian she
zhang hong hua
The exploration for core curriculum setting and practice in the Numerical Control Applying Program
he bei sheng shi jia zhuang shi zhi ye ji shu jiao yu zhong xin
The research report about the demands of skilled hands and VTE instruction reform of numerical control
ji xie gong ye jiao yu fa zhan zhong xin
The practice and exploration of VAE in human resource development in Sichuan
si chuan sheng ke ti zu
The comparison of the world VTE system--one new analyzing frame
shi wei ping ; xu guo qing
ban ji de yu de wu jie he
tan hua
To manage the class by using QQ
li chao zuo
tan ban zhu ren de quan wei
huang jian
shui shi zhi ye xue xiao de gu ke
wei zhou
Several points about developing further Community Education
chen nai lin