Synthesis of Everolimus
LU Shiyong;ZHANG Xiaotian;ZHOU Weicheng;ZHANG Fuli;YE Weidong;Xinchang Pharmaceutical Factory;Zhejiang Medicine Co.;Ltd.;Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry;China State Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry;
Racemization of Methotrexate
LI Bo;ZHANG Wenxuan;QIU Hui;WU Song;Beijing Key Lab.of Active Substance Discovery and Druggability Evaluation;Institute of Materia Medica;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College;
Graphical Synthetic Routes of Ibrutinib
LEI Chunhua;QIU Fei;WANG Liqiang;Institutes of Molecular Medicine;Huaqiao University;School of Biomedical Science;Huaqiao University;Engineering Research Center of Molecular Medicine;Ministry of Education;