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Chinese Journal of Medical Guide
2014 Issue 4
Study on the Effect of DNA-PKcs Expression on Prognosis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma#
chen jia xin ;, cheng jin jian ;, deng shan ;, feng guo sheng ;, zuo yan rong ;, lu he ming ;, pang qiang ;, peng lu xing ;, qin jian ;, yang zuo ;
Pathogenesis and Treatment of Hyponatremia after Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
liu xia jun ;, xi yu ;, yao fu dong ;, zuo chun guang ;
The Analyze of Lower Extremity Arteriosclerosis Obliterans by Endovascular Stent
Gao Ji-dong;,Wang Xiao-jun;,Zheng Ming-fei;
High Frequency Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Testicular Torsion
Li Zhong-quan;
Relationship and Expression of PTEN, CyclinE in Premenopausal Women with Endometrial Polyp
guo ying ;, wang xiao juan ;, wang xing qin ;, zuo li hong ;, yin ming ;, yuan lin ;, zhang jian jie ;, zhang su ping ;, zhou bing xia ;
Analysis of Interspinous U in Treatment of the Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Aged People
Wang Chang-tao;,Wu Ji-yue;,Wu Zu-yao;
The Clinical Application on 41Cases with Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures by Vertebral Lamina Fenestration
chen shao chu ;, hu ya wei ;, zuo xin min ;, lu xue you ;, zhang zuo ;, zhang xian ;, zhou jian hua ;, zou hui ;
Comparision Between Laparoscopic Repair and Open Operation in Treating with Duodenal Ulcer Perforation
Gu Li-xin;,Wang Yu-hua;,Yang Yue-tao;
Analysis on 98 Cases with Low Rectal Cancer by Laparoscopic Sphincter-Preserving Radical Surgery
Huang Wei;,Wu Xiong-jun;,Zhang Zhuo-jun;
Damage Control Surgery (DCS) for Acute Obstructive Suppurative Cholangitis (AOSC) in Elderly People
Ding Wei-jian;,Fan Chen;,Yuan Cun-zhen;
The Impact of Knee Function and Muscles Strength of Isokinetic for Patients with Knee Meniscus after Arthroscopic Surgery
bi xia ;, gao liang liang ;, huang zuo ning ;, liu xiao lei ;, lv hong ;, shao zheng hai ;, zhang yu fa ;
The Correlation between Sleep Quality and Anxiety on 167 Patients with Migraine
Xia Gui-zhi;,Zhang Zong-ze;
Diagnostic Value of Doppler Ultrasound in Thyroid Tumors
Li Juan;,Zheng Jia-li;
Preoperative Gimmick Closed Reduction in the Application of the Protruding after Kyphoplasty
Cheng Qiang;,Huang Li;,Xu Li;
Ultrasound Guided Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Treatment of Solitary Kidney Multiple Calculi
bai hong wei ;, chang jing yuan ;, han meng xia ;, li chao ;, li gang ;, qian ye yong ;, xu xiao dong ;
zhen jiu diao jie mian yi gong neng de yan jiu jin zhan
jiao zhi hua ;, li li na ;, zong lei ;
Application of Laparoscope in Abdominal Open Injury
Li Ruo-fan;,Liu Zuo-jun;,Su Tuo;
Evaluation of Therapeutic Efifcacy between Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery and Open Thoracotomic Surgery in the Treatment of Traumatic Hemopneumothorax
fan wei ;, meng xiang kuan ;, sun zhen yu ;, ye guang hua ;, yin xing ;
The Treatment of Primary Mediastinal B Cell Lymphoma
Yang Chen-min;
Expression of FEZ1 Gene and Pathology are Associated with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
ma chuan sheng ;, wang yun feng ;, zhao wei ;, zhou chuan jiang ;
Summary and Analysis of the Clinical Data of 150 Cases of Herpangina
ma jie ;, niu wei hong ;, qin ming yue ;, yang li ping ;
25 li ji xing zhong zheng yi xian yan lin chuang fen xi
an ni wa er ;, niu xin rong ;
The Efifcacy Assessment of Pituitrin in Adjuvant Treatment of Bronchiectasis with Massive Hemoptysis
Sun Zheng-gang;,Yu-liang;,Zhang Gui-ju Li;
Application of Fulvestrant in Male Breast Cancer
Li Na;,Zhang Xiaolin;,Zhu Wen;
Efifciency Analysis of Duyiwei Capsules in Treating with Shoulder Joint Injury
Wang Chun-xiao;,Zhang Hong-tao;,Zhu He-fei;
Observation of Clinical Efifcacy of Mannatide in Treatment with Leukopenia
Cheng Hua-xi;,You Yu;
Effects of Misoprostol in Painless Surgery
Zhao De-zhen;
The Therapeutic Effects of Xiaojin Capsule on Male Post-urethritis Syndrome
Rong Yang;,Yan Xu;
The Clinical Curative Effect of Selenium Yeast Accessory Euthyrox in the Treatment of Hashimoto Thyroiditis Thyroid Function Decrease
gu lei ;, lin ping ;, song xiao min ;, wang bo ;, zhang xuan e ;, zhu wen ;
Clinical Observation of Mannatide in the Treatment of Primary Leukopenia
chen ying hua ;, deng zuo ;, fu jian wei ;, huang zuo ;, liao yi ;, wang ding qiong ;
Effects of HSP70 Gene Polymorphism on Genetic Susceptibility of Asthma#
chen guang zhan ;, dai wu qiang ;, lao wu jian ;, xu zuo ;
Related Factors Analysis of Free Fatty Acids
Ren Fang;,Wei Qi;,Zhang Min;
Comparision Analysis Between Liquid-based Cytology Cervical Lesions and Pathological Findings
Lei Li-rong;,Wang Jing;,Wang Kai-xin;
Diagnostic Signiifcance of Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Cardiac Troponin I in Sepsis Induced Myocardial Dysfunction#
guo jian ;, qian feng hua ;, qian yi ming ;, tang zuo ;, xia yi chun ;, zhao lei ;, zhou xiong gen ;
Study on Predictive Nursing Intervention to Reduce Aspiration Pneumonia in Patients with Swallowing Disorder after Stroke
hu yun jing ;, ma ling ;, yang li juan ;, zhang mei na ;
Free Organic Acid in Rhizoma Pinelliae Processed Products
Huang Kai-yun;,Luo Xia;